



A very loud but fast recon scan and pentest template creator for use in CTF's/OSCP/Hackthebox...

Only for use on Kali Linux distros

This was setup for my use, as such there are some hardcoded Dropbox paths and what not in the templates. 
Modify as needed for your own use!

To install just run the setup.sh (chmod +x setup.sh), alternatively you can run my forked version of 

g0tmilk's os-script for Kali 2.0. This will set all the requirements as well -->


This script will be stored under /opt/doubletap-git and the pathing will be set after reboot

If needed, you can change the template folder output location and default interface 
in /opt/doubletap-git/doubletap.py

Just run doubletap-git ... 

Any other issues just Google it, Mike

Templates will be created for both Nix and Windows, all IP's will be populated with your settings.

Just copy and paste commands in as needed from the template, no need to change anything!


**PS - obviously don't use this were you don't have permission