

Am Yisrael Chai - עם ישראל חי

Stripe Elements Web Components

🛡⚛️🔰 Any Framework - One Stripe Integration. 💰💵💸

Published on npm Published on webcomponents.org made with open-wc Maintainability Test Coverage Release Contact me on Codementor

👨‍🎨 Live Demo 👀

🚚 Installation

You should make sure to load stripe.js on your app's index.html, as per Stripe's recommendation, before loading <stripe-elements>. If window.Stripe is not available when you load up the component, it will fail with a reasonably-polite console warning.

<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>
npm i -S @power-elements/stripe-elements

<stripe-elements> is a community project.

📚 API Docs

Learn how to use Stripe Elements web components in the docs