

CUID2 for ColdFusion

by Ben Nadel

This is a ColdFusion / CFML port of the Cuid2 token generator created by Eric Elliott. Cuid2 is an evolution of the Cuid library (for which I also have a ColdFusion port) that is intended to address some security issues.

Each Cuid token starts with a letter and is a consistent, configured length between 24 (default) and 34 characters.

The Cuid library for ColdFusion is thread safe and is intended to be instantiated once within an application and then cached for future usage. The Cuid library exposes one public method, .createCuid(), which will generate and return your Cuid token:


	// Cachced reference to the CUID library.
	cuid2 = new lib.Cuid2();

	writeDump({ token: cuid2.createCuid() });
	writeDump({ token: cuid2.createCuid() });
	writeDump({ token: cuid2.createCuid() });
	writeDump({ token: cuid2.createCuid() });


Running the above ColdFusion code will produce the following output:

token: uem955pnse56id49y6bcmjz8
token: ek9lgqi0mfkh9wmxnb6rvzuc
token: lycfyvl0dlspi0us6smqkkr0
token: x0hhypk7l7k4hga8newn4gnw

The Cuid2.cfc ColdFusion component can be instantiated with three optional arguments:

new Cuid2( [ length [, fingerprint [, algorithm ] ] ] )

Random Distribution

Under the hood, the Cuid2.cfc ColdFusion component generates random values using the randRange() built-in function with the sha1prng algorithm. With over 1,000,000 keys, we can see that this randomness is well distributed into buckets:

<img src="https://github.com/bennadel/CUID2-For-ColdFusion/raw/master/public/histogram.png" width="100%" />