



Generates split ES6 modules and Typescript definitions from Haxe modules.

Requires Haxe 4+


<pre><a href="https://github.com/lix-pm/lix.client">lix</a> +lib genes</pre>

Install the library and add -lib genes to your hxml.


-D dtsgenerate Typescript definition files
-debug or -D js-source-mapgenerate source maps
-D source_map_contentinclude source map contents
-D genes.unchanged_no_rewritedon't write output files if there's no change (compares output to file on disk)
-D genes.extern_init_warningdisplay a warning wherever an extern __init__ is used as these are not generated by genes
-D genes.disabledisable genes completely (eg. to compare results to default haxe js generator)
-D genes.no_extensiondo not use the .js extension in import paths
-D genes.disable_native_accessorsdo not generate native getter/setters for properties
-D genes.bannerstring to be inserted at the beginning of every generated .js file
-D genes.dts_bannerstring to be inserted at the beginning of every generated .d.ts file
-D genes.enum_discriminatoremit extra field in enum instance with value equal to the enum constructor name, useful for native js code to consume the enum instead of relying on the default _hx_index field. Example -D genes.enum_discriminator=_kind


@:genes.disableNativeAccessorson class level or field level to disable generation of native getter/setters for properties
@:genes.type('MyType')overwrite Typescript type in declarations (use on: class, class properties, typedef, type parameters, ....)
@:genes.returnType('MyType')overwrite Typescript return type in declarations (use on functions)

Dynamic imports

import genes.Genes.dynamicImport;
import my.module.A;
import my.module.B;
import my.module.C;
// ...
dynamicImport(A -> new A()).then(trace);

dynamicImport((B, C) -> [new B(), new C()]).then(trace);

Roughly translates to:

  .then(({ A }) => new A())

Promise.all([import("./my/module/B"), import("./my/module/C")])
  .then((modules) => [new modules[0].B(), new modules[1].C()])

Genes expects a function declaration expression (EFunction) as the sole argument of dynamicImport and it will do 2 things:

  1. For each argument, take the argument name (e.g. "MyClass") and resolve it as a type in the current context, taking Haxe import statements into account. This is for preparing the relative path of the target files (e.g. '../../MyClass.js').
  2. Type the function body in the current context, ignoring the fact that it is a function body. Thus in the example the scope of A is not the function argument but in current context i.e. the actual type class A {...}. The return type is then applied as the type parameter of js.lib.Promise. This is for hinting the return type of the dynamicImport(...) call so that the compiler can do its typing job properly.

Upstream issues
