eobox is a Python package with a small collection of tools for working with Remote Sensing / Earth Observation data.
Package Overview
So far, the following subpackages are available:
eobox.sampledata contains small sample data that can be used for playing around and testing.
eobox.raster contains raster processing tools for
extracting raster values at given (by vector data) locations,
window- / chunk-wise processing of multiple single layer raster files that do not fit in memory, e.g.
calculating virtual time series and temporal statistical metrics from all cloud-free observations,
predicting a machine learning model,
custom processing functions.
eobox.vector contains vector processing tools for
clean convertion of polygons to lines and
distance-to-polygon border calculation.
- contains machine learning related tools, e.g.
plotting a confusion matrix including with precision and recall
extended predict function which returns prediction, confidences, and probabilities.
The package requires Python 3. It can be installed with the following command:
pip install eobox
The environment.yaml in the repository can be used to setup a conda environment with all dependencies required for using and building the package and running the tests and documentation code.
conda env create --name=eobox --file=environment.yml
pip install eobox
The package documentation can be found at readthedocs.