

<h1 align="center"> <img src="https://d.pr/i/TZ2kXs+" width="160" alt="icon"><br> Framer Slider<br> <br> </h1> <br> <p align="center"> <img src="https://d.pr/i/jdsv6T+" width="820" alt="banner"> <br> <h6 align="center">INTRODUCTION</h6> <p align="center">From adaptive sliders created in <a href="https://framer.com/features/design?utm_source=github&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=framer_slider_benjamin">Design</a> to fully functional ones in <a href="https://framer.com/features/code?utm_source=github&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=framer_slider_benjamin">Code</a>. A <strong>Framer</strong> module that allows you to design sliders and then bring them to life, without losing customizability. Appearance and logic—separated.</p> </p> <br> <br>

Get Started

First, grab the slider.coffee file and place it within the /modules folder (located within your .framer folder). Then, to include the module, require the Slider class:

# Include the module
{Slider} = require "slider"

The Slider.wrap method takes three parameters:

All of these can be styled completely in the design. The method wraps a component around these 3 layers to handle all of the sliding functionality for you.

# Wrap slider logic
Slider.wrap(background, fill, knob)

To customize the Slider, you can store it in a variable.

# Wrap slider logic
slider = Slider.wrap(background, fill, knob)

This allows you to customize its properties, like the min, max and value.

# Set range, default value
slider.props = 
	min: 0
	max: 100
	value: 50

And finally—to output its values, you can use the onValueChange method.

# Update value & print output
slider.onValueChange ->
	print slider.value


