hmdp is a C++ library and tools for solving Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with hybrid discrete and/or continuous state-spaces. It includes various algorithms for computing optimal solutions. It is open-source software distributed under the Apache License v2.0.
Main functionalities:
- library for building higher-level solutions that require the solving of MDPs, possibly with multi-dimensional continuous state-space;
- embeds a solver built with the library, and with many options in the command line;
- includes an optional customized PPDDL model library that allows to describe complex worlds in a simple manner, and solve them as MDPs with hybrid discrete / continuous state-space.
- includes the optional ability to handle piecewise-linear functions with lpsolve library.
- easy to enhance with new algorithms.
hmdp is designed and implemented by Emmanuel Benazera.
Beware of dependencies, typically on Debian/Ubuntu Linux, do:
sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev libeigen3-dev liblpsolve55-dev autotools-dev autoconf
For compiling with basic options enabled:
More options are available with
./configure --help
Run examples
The simplest example is the Mars Rover problem from J. Bresina, R. Dearden, N. Meuleau, S. Ramakrishnan, D. Smith and R. Washington, 2002, "Planning under continuous time and resource uncertainty: A challenge for AI", UAI-2002 and Z. Feng, R. Dearden, N. Meuleau, R. Washington, 2004, "Dynamic Programming for Structured Continuous Markov Decision Problems", UAI-2004.
Run it:
cd src/apps
./hmdp --ppddl_file ../hmdpsim/examples/uai.ppddl --point_based_output_step 20,0.5 --prec 1e-3 --vf_output_formats=box,dat,mat --truncate_negative_ct_outcomes
Ouput should look like:
[Info]: ppddl_parser::domain: actions successfully instantiated
Total time #discs #vf_backups lbtime mbtime ntiles
0.02900 10 11 0.02700 0.00000 524
backup time: 0.02000
total number of discrete states (dfs): 10
written file ../hmdpsim/examples/
written file ../hmdpsim/examples/uai.ppddl_state_0.dat
written file ../hmdpsim/examples/uai.ppddl_state_0.mat
To plot the resulting value function:
- with octave
- with gnuplot
splot '../hmdpsim/examples/uai.ppddl_state_0.dat' w lp
or to see the 2D partitioning:
plot '../hmdpsim/examples/' w boxxyerror