


Homebrew has a strict policy against install scripts that download things. (See rationale.) This means using Quicklisp to install your dependencies in your install script is out of the question.

Instead, you'll have to explicitly vendor each dependency. See the Ansible formula for an example.

Once you depend on more than, like, two Common Lisp packages, this is a major pain.

quicklisp-roundup mostly automates this for you. Given an ASDF system available through Quicklisp, it will resolve all necessary systems and attempt to locate the encompassing Quicklisp releases. The release tarballs are downloaded, checksummed, and printed out for you in Homebrew's DSL, ready for copy/paste into your formula:

resource '<system>' do
   url 'http://beta.quicklisp.org/...tar.gz'
   sha1 '3fae8409bd3ef76...'

Alternatively, quicklisp-roundup can generate a tarball containing all dependent systems. This is useful if you have enough dependencies that listing them individually is impractical.


In both modes, you'll be notified of any missing systems—dependencies which aren't available in Quicklisp. You'll have to a) close your eyes and pray, or b) manually vendor those systems.

Homebrew resource blocks

* (ql:quickload "quicklisp-roundup")
* (quicklisp-roundup:make-homebrew "<system>")
; Resolving "pgloader":
;   Missing 1 system!
;     asdf
;   Included 59 systems:
;     abnf alexandria anaphora asdf-finalizers
;     asdf-system-connections...
; Homebrew formula block written to:
;   "build/pgloader.rb"
# build/pgloader.rb

resource 'alexandria' do
  url 'http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/alexandria/2013-01-28/alexandria-20130128-git.tgz'
  sha1 '89e303120c1ceb266cf6ae3cb12f75c119a85ed1'

resource 'anaphora' do
  url 'http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/anaphora/2011-06-19/anaphora-0.9.4.tgz'
  sha1 '1e9faa00efff11b45ca7bed64a1fb60e9ce55dbd'

# ...


* (ql:quickload "quicklisp-roundup")
* (quicklisp-roundup:make-tarball "<system>")
; Resolving "pgloader":
;   Missing 1 system!
;     asdf
;   Included 59 systems:
;     abnf alexandria anaphora asdf-finalizers
;     asdf-system-connections...
; Tarball written to:
;   "build/pgloader.tgz"


I don't speak Lisp. No, really, I don't! Improvements and criticisms welcomed.

Only tested with Steel Bank Common Lisp.

If you find a bug, file it away in the GitHub issue tracker!


Nikhil Benesch nikhil.benesch@gmail.com