

Space Track

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Simple node.js library for the Space-Track.org REST API.

You need login credentials for Space-Track. Available upon request and approval here.


This project follows semver principles.


var spacetrack = require('spacetrack');
  username: 'yourusername',
  password: 'yourpassword'


This will build a request from the provided options and return a promise.

var promise = spacetrack.get(options);
options = {
  controller: 'basicspacedata', // defaults to 'basicspacedata'
  action: 'query', // defaults to 'query'

  type: 'tle_latest', // required, must be one of the following:
  // tle, tle_latest, tle_publish, omm, boxscore, satcat,
  // launch_site, satcat_change, satcat_debut, decay, tip, csm

  query: [  // optional, but highly recommended
    {field: 'NORAD_CAT_ID', condition: '25544'} // e.g. (see the API documentation)

  predicates: [  // optional

  favorites: [  // optional

  orderby: [  // optional
    '+ORDINAL', // ascending by ORDINAL
    '-NORAD_CAT_ID' // descending by NORAD_CAT_ID

  limit: 100, // optional, but recommended
  offset: 10, // optional (needs limit to be set, otherwise limit defaults to 100)

  distinct: false // optional (this option causes some hiccups)

For more information on the options consult the Space-Track API Documentation.


This is a basic example to get the latest ephemerides of satellites 25544 (ISS) and 39166 (USA 242).

var spacetrack = require('spacetrack');
var util = require('util');

  username: 'username',
  password: 'password'

  type: 'tle_latest',
  query: [
    {field:'NORAD_CAT_ID', condition: '25544,39166'},
    {field:'ORDINAL', condition: '1'},
  predicates: [
.then(function(result) {
  console.log( util.inspect(result, {colors: true, depth: null}) );
}, function(err) {
  console.error('error', err.stack);


[ { name: 'ISS (ZARYA)',
    epoch: '2014-11-30 14:05:20Z',
    eccentricity: '0.0007404',
    inclination: '51.6481',
    rightAscension: '354.5641',
    argPericenter: '83.5665',
    meanAnomaly: '60.4119',
    meanMotion: '15.51651628' },
  { name: 'NAVSTAR 68 (USA 242)',
    epoch: '2014-11-30 04:42:49Z',
    eccentricity: '0.001521',
    inclination: '55.3151',
    rightAscension: '77.3669',
    argPericenter: '9.0755',
    meanAnomaly: '350.9483',
    meanMotion: '2.00562695' } ]