A better version of clojure.repl/dir
> (require 'clojure.repl.dir)
Replacing clojure.repl/dir
> (use 'clojure.repl)
The dir macro is replaced. You can use it plain to examine the current namespace.
> (def x)
> (dir)
x : no doc
You can give it a second argument to determine what kind of namespace entries you want to see. One of ns-(publics|refers|map|interns|imports).
> (dir *ns* ns-refers) ;; lists imports
;; a reaaaly long list
Of course it takes just a namespace too. Notice, that it displays call lists and macros.
> (dir clojure.repl.dir)
*arglist-printlen* : How much of arglists is displayed
*multiline-token* : Marker when doc has multiple lines
*terminal-width* : Screen width in characters, that dir fills
*truncated-token* : Marker when first doc line was truncated
NamespaceCoercion : Defines a coercion to namespace used by dir
dir :macro [] [ns] [ns ns-fn]: Print listings of namespaces with doc sn…
dir-fn [ns] [ns ns-fn]: Returns a sorted seq of symbols naming publ…
dir-line [ns sym column]: Given a namespace and a sym, »
to-namespace [this]: Coerce to clojure.lang.Namespace
When trying to examine a namespace, that isn't loaded, it tries to require it.
> (dir
;; namespace not loaded; requiring!
append-child [loc item]: Inserts the item as the rightmost child of the node at…
branch? [loc]: Returns true if the node at loc is a branch
children [loc]: Returns a seq of the children of node at loc, which must be…
down [loc]: Returns the loc of the leftmost child of the node at this l…
edit [loc f & args]: Replaces the node at this loc with the value of (f…
Copyright (C) 2011 Herwig Hochleitner
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.