

ProB Parsers Library

Build Status


Releases are on Maven Central, Snapshots on https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/. You can include the B parser in a gradle build script like this:

<pre> def parser_version = '2.9.17' // development version: 2.9.18-SNAPSHOT dependencies { compile group: "de.hhu.stups", name: "bparser", version: parser_version compile group: "de.hhu.stups", name: "ltlparser", version: parser_version// optional compile group: "de.hhu.stups", name: "parserbase", version: parser_version compile group: "de.hhu.stups", name: "prologlib", version: parser_version } </pre>

The repository contains some additional parsers:


Run the 'deploy' target with gradle.

On windows you need to install the program 'patch.exe'.

The artifacts are copied to the build folder.


Please report bugs and feature requests at https://probjira.atlassian.net



The libraries contain contributions from (in alphabetical order) Jens Bendisposto, Marc Büngener, Fabian Fritz, Dominik Hansen, Sebastian Krings, Michael Leuschel, Daniel Plagge, David Schneider


The ProB Parser Library source code is distributed under the Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 (see epl-v10.html)

The Parser Library comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND ! This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. The author(s) do not accept responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all. No warranty is made about the software or its performance.

(c) 2011-2018 STUPS group, University of Düsseldorf