


license version <a href='https://ko-fi.com/bendn' title='Buy me a coffee' target='_blank'><img height='28' src='https://storage.ko-fi.com/cdn/brandasset/kofi_button_red.png' alt='Buy me a coffee'> </a>

Github Actions composite action repository.

How to use

<details open> <summary>Snippet</summary>
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    image: ghcr.io/bend-n/godot-2d:3.5
  name: Build windows
    - name: Build
      uses: bend-n/godot-actions/.github/actions/export-windows@main
        NAME: ${{ github.event.repository.name }}
</details> <details> <summary>Full example</summary>

Note This is a copy of godot-template/.github/workflows/export.yml

name: "export" # name of the workflow
on: # when it is triggered
  workflow_dispatch: # manually or
  push: # on a push
      - main # to this branch
    paths: # with modifications to these files
      - "**.gd" # all gdscript files
      - "**.tscn" # scene files
      - "**.import" # this means a png changed
      - "**.tres" # godot resources
      - "**.ttf" # fonts in godot3 dont have their own .import
      - ".github/workflows/export.yml" # this workflow
      - "export_presets.cfg" # the export template

jobs: # the things to do
  export: # a thing to do
    uses: bend-n/godot-actions/.github/workflows/callable-export.yml@main
    with: # variables
      image: ghcr.io/bend-n/godot-2d:3.5 # the container to use
      export-name: ${{ github.event.repository.name }} # the name of the exec. ($export-name.exe)
      platforms: "windows linux web android mac" # space seperated list of platforms to build
      project-root-path: "." # the directory that project.godot is in
      github-pages: "true" # to deploy to github pages or not (anything besides 'true' == false)
      itch-path: "${{ github.repository_owner }}/${{ github.event.repository.name }}" # required for itch.io deployment.
    secrets: # secrets
      butler-api-key: ${{ secrets.BUTLER_CREDENTIALS }} # required for itch.io deployment
      android-keystore-base64: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEYSTORE_BASE64 }} # for signing the apk, not required
      android-keystore-password: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD }} # ditto


Note If script is not compiled, it must contain a shebang

Create a file ./.github/post_export that will be run after installation. The executable will be run with a argument, containing the platform. (eg: ./.github/post_export linux)

Bash example:

[[ $1 == "web" ]] && wget -nv "example.org" -O build/web/example.html

A pre_export file is also supported.