


This repository contains the source code for the following posts:

How to run the benchmark?

The benchmark uses the following versions:

First, clone the repository and build the project:

$>git clone https://github.com/benas/easy-batch-vs-spring-batch.git

$>cd easy-batch-vs-spring-batch

$>mvn install

1. Generate input data

The common.CustomerGenerator class will generate X customers in the java.io.tmpdir directory. You can specify the number of customers to generate with the following commands:

$>cd common/target

$>java -Dorg.easybatch.bench.count=10000 -cp "sb-vs-eb-common-1.0.jar:dependency/*" common.CustomerGenerator

This will generate a customers.csv file with 10000 random records in the java.io.tmpdir directory.

2. Run Easy Batch application

In order to launch Easy Batch application to process the previously generated customers file, proceed as follows from the root directory of the project:

$>cd easy-batch/target

$>time java -cp "sb-vs-eb-easybatch-1.0.jar:dependency/*" easybatch.EasyBatchBenchLauncher

This should print out the execution time of the application.

3. Run Spring Batch application

In order to launch Spring Batch application to process the previously generated customers file, proceed as follows from the root directory of the project:

$>cd spring-batch/target

$>time java -cp "sb-vs-eb-springbatch-1.0.jar:dependency/*" springbatch.SpringBatchBenchLauncher

This should print out the execution time of the application.


If you are using MS Windows, please use the ; classpath separator in the previous commands as follows:

$>java -Dorg.easybatch.bench.count=10000 -cp "sb-vs-eb-common-1.0.jar;dependency/*" common.CustomerGenerator

$>time java -cp "sb-vs-eb-easybatch-1.0.jar;dependency/*" easybatch.EasyBatchBenchLauncher

$>time java -cp "sb-vs-eb-springbatch-1.0.jar;dependency/*" springbatch.SpringBatchBenchLauncher

Also, you need to use a command equivalent to time in order to measure the application execution time. If you have Power Shell, you can use the Measure-Command command. For example:

Measure-Command {java -cp "sb-vs-eb-easybatch-1.0.jar;dependency/*" easybatch.EasyBatchBenchLauncher}