

ndx-simulation-output Extension for NWB

An extension for output data of large-scale simulations

This extension defines two NWB neuorodata_types, CompartmentSeries and Compartments. CompartmentSeries stores continuous data (e.g. membrane potential, calcium concentration) from many compartments of many cells, and scales to hundreds of thousands of compartments. Compartments stores the meta-data associated with those compartments, and is stored in SimulationMetaData. Collaboration with Stanford University and the Allen Institute. Funded by the Ripple U19.

Image of CompartmentSeries




pip install ndx-simulation-output


from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO, NWBFile
from datetime import datetime
from ndx_simulation_output import CompartmentSeries, Compartments, SimulationMetaData
import numpy as np

compartments = Compartments()
compartments.add_row(number=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], position=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5])
compartments.add_row(number=[0], position=[np.nan])

nwbfile = NWBFile('description', 'id', datetime.now().astimezone())

cs = CompartmentSeries('membrane_potential', np.random.randn(10, 6),
                       compartments=compartments, unit='V', rate=100.)

with NWBHDF5IO('test_compartment_series.nwb', 'w') as io:

conversion from SONTATA:

from ndx_simulation_output.io.from_sonata import sonata2nwb
sonata2nwb('path_to_data_dir', 'nwb_path')

from ndx_simulation_output.io.to_sonata import nwb2sonata
nwb2sonata('nwb_path', 'data_dir2')



command line:

git clone https://github.com/bendichter/ndx-simulation-output.git

in matlab:



nwb = nwbfile()

[number, number_index] = util.create_indexed_column( ...
    {[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 0}, '/acquisition/compartments/number');

[position, position_index] = util.create_indexed_column( ...
    {[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5], 0}, '/acquisition/compartments/position');

compartments = types.ndx_simulation_output.Compartments( ...
    'colnames', {'number', 'position'}, ...
    'description', 'membrane potential from various compartments', ...
    'id', types.core.ElementIdentifiers('data', int64(0:5)));

compartments.position = position;
compartments.position_index = position_index;
compartments.number = number;
compartments.number_index = number_index;

membrane_potential = types.ndx_simulation_output.CompartmentSeries( ...
    'data', randn(10,6), ...
    'compartments', types.untyped.SoftLink('/acquisition/compartments'), ...
    'data_unit', 'V', ...
    'starting_time_rate', 100., ...
    'starting_time', 0.0);
simulation = types.ndx_simulation_output.SimulationMetaData('compartments', compartments);
nwb.general.set('simulation', simulation);

nwb.acquisition.set('membrane_potential', membrane_potential);

Community engagement


Ben Dichter*, Kael Dai*, Aaron Milstein, Yazan Billeh, Andrew Tritt, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin, Anton Akhipov, Oliver Ruebel, Nicholas Cain, Kristofer Bouchard, Ivan Soltesz. NWB extension for storing results of large-scale neural network simulations. NeuroInformatics. Montreal, Canada (2018). video.

Cited by

Dai K, Hernando J, Billeh YN, Gratiy SL, Planas J, et al. (2020) The SONATA data format for efficient description of large-scale network models. PLOS Computational Biology 16(2): e1007696. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007696


Developed in collaboration between the Soltesz lab and the Allen Institute during NWB Hackathon #4 by Ben Dichter*, Kael Dai*, Aaron Milstein, Yazan Billeh, Andrew Tritt, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin, Anton Akhipov, Oliver Ruebel, Nicholas Cain, Kristofer Bouchard, and Ivan Soltesz