


Gazebo simulation of dynamics environment in warehouses. An extensive model of AWS-robomaker-small-warehouse.


test <launch>

Building and Launching the Gazebo World with your ROS Applications

Example: Running this world directly in Gazebo without a ROS application

To open this world in Gazebo, change the directory to your ROS workspace root folder and run:

cd dynamic-logistics-warehouse
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=`pwd`/models
gazebo worlds/warehouse.world

Example: Running this world directly using ROS without a simulated robot

To launch this base Gazebo world without a robot, clone this repository and run the following commands. Note: ROS and gazebo must already be installed on the host.

# build for ROS
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build

# run in ROS
source install/setup.sh
roslaunch dynamic_logistics_warehouse logistics_warehouse.launch

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