

Harvester Running CI Coverage Status Go Report Card GoDoc GitHub releaseFOSSA Status

Harvester is a configuration library which helps setting up and monitoring configuration values in order to dynamically reconfigure your application.

Configuration can be obtained from the following sources:

The order is applied as it is listed above. Consul seeder and monitor are optional and will be used only if Harvester is created with the above components.

Harvester expects a go structure with tags which defines one or more of the above like the following:

type Config struct {
    IndexName      sync.String          `seed:"customers-v1"`
    CacheRetention sync.Int64           `seed:"86400" env:"ENV_CACHE_RETENTION_SECONDS"`
    LogLevel       sync.String          `seed:"DEBUG" flag:"loglevel"`
    Signature      sync.String          `file:"signature.txt"`
    Sandbox        sync.Bool            `seed:"true" env:"ENV_SANDBOX" consul:"/config/sandbox-mode"`
    AccessToken    sync.Secret          `seed:"defaultaccesstoken" env:"ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN" consul:"/config/access-token"`
    WorkDuration   sync.TimeDuration    `seed:"1s" env:"ENV_WORK_DURATION" consul:"/config/work-duration"`
    OpeningBalance sync.Float64         `seed:"0.0" env:"ENV_OPENING_BALANCE" redis:"opening-balance"`

The above defines the following fields:

The fields have to be one of the types that the sync package supports in order to allow concurrent read and write to the fields. The following types are supported:

For sensitive configuration (passwords, tokens, etc.) that shouldn't be printed in log, you can use the Secret flavor of sync types. If one of these is selected, then at harvester log instead of the real value the text *** will be displayed.

Harvester has a seeding phase and an optional monitoring phase.

Seeding phase

Conditions where seeding fails:


Harvester allows the creation of custom getters which are used by the seeder and implement the following interface:

type Getter interface {
    Get(key string) (string, error)

Seed and env tags are supported by default, the Consul getter has to be setup when creating a Harvester with the builder.

Monitoring phase (Consul only)


Harvester allows for dynamically changing the config value by monitoring a source. The following sources are available:

This feature have to be setup when creating a Harvester with the builder.


The Harvester builder pattern is used to create a Harvester instance. The builder supports setting up:

    h, err := New(&cfg).
                WithConsulSeed("address", "dc", "token").
                WithConsulMonitor("address", "dc", "token").
                WithRedisMonitor(redisClient, 10*time.Millisecond).

The above snippet set's up a Harvester instance with Consul and Redis seed and monitor.

Notification support

In order to be able to monitor the changes in the configuration we provide a way to notify when a change is happening via the builder.

    h, err := harvester.New(&cfg).WithNotification(chNotify).Create()


Consul has support for versioning (ModifyIndex) which allows us to change the value only if the version is higher than the one currently.


Head over to examples readme on how to use harvester

How to Contribute

See Contribution Guidelines.

Code of conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project and its community you agree to abide by those terms.