Functional programming has a number of common, idiomatic operations: maps, folds, currying and so on. There are a number of excellent JavaScript libraries which provide access to these fundamentals in a more-or-less functional style. Ojay's core extensions, Oliver Steele's Functional and Jeremy Ashkenas' Underscore are all good examples.
Udon is cast in a similar mould to the above. It aims to provide basic
support for functional programming in JavaScript, initially by porting some
elements of Haskell's Data.List
Installing Udon
Udon is available from npm, so if you want to use Udon with Node you can just run the following command to globally install the library.
npm install -g udon
Then it's just a matter of requiring it in your Node project. The module exported by the library is just the top-level Udon object.
var Udon = require('udon');
Udon.sum([1, 2, 3, 4]); // -> 10
Otherwise, you can grab pre-built versions from the Udon website or build it yourself as described below.
Building the library
If you've checked out the Git repository and want to build a minified version
of the library from source, you will need Ruby, Rubygems and the Jake
gem, which you can get by running (with sudo
if you like)
gem install jake
from the command line. Then just cd
into your Udon directory and run
which will build the library in the /pkg
Deploying with Helium
Udon includes a jake.yml
file for use with the Jake build tool, as explained
above. This also means that it is easily deployed with Helium, a Git-backed
JavaScript package server. It should also fit into any other build or deploy
system based on JS.Packages.
Running the test suite
The Udon test suite is written with the JS.Test testing framework. The test suite runs on several JavaScript platforms, including Node and all modern web browsers.
To run the test suite from the command line, run the following command
(replacing node
with Rhino, V8 etc. where relevant).
node test/console.js
To run the test suite in a browser, open the test/browser.html
file in a web
Building the Udon website
The website is built with Hakyll, a static site generator written in
Haskell. To build it you will need GHC and cabal-install; the simplest
way to get hold of these is to install the Haskell Platform. You'll also need
to install the hakyll
package from Hackage:
cabal install hakyll
Then, to build the site, just run this from your Udon directory:
ghc --make -Wall site/site