Example of how to use Boost.Describe descriptions as a way to map aggregates
See tests/src folder for a working example
Requires C++17 and uses DAW JSON Link v3 and Boost.Describe
To describe a struct, only public members are supported, see the Boost.Describe documentation. It will be similar to
struct X {
int m1;
int m2;
BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT( X, ( ), ( m1, m2 ) )
int main( ) {
std::string_view json_doc = R"json(
"m1": 55,
"m2": 123
auto val = daw::json::from_json<X>( json_doc );
assert( val.m1 == 55 );
assert( val.m2 == 123 );
puts( daw::json::to_json( val ).c_str( ) );
The specialization of daw::json::use_boost_describe
is necessary. After this from_json and to_json will work with the
mapped type