


The Sentinel-1 Water Dynamics Toolkit (SWDT) is a Shiny application for processing Senintel-1 image time series to water dynamic maps. Currently the application includes prepared Sentinel-1 GRD images of the Fuente de Piedra Lagoon in Spain from January to December 2017.

The development of SWDT is supported by the Remote Sensing Section of the Department of Geography at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena.


You can download the whole application with demo data from Github and restore the missing packages with packrat. Note that SWDT depends on tsar and a bsplus fork, which have to be installed from GitHub.


Adding your own data involves several steps at the moment.

After the data is pre-processed you have to add the following lines to the config.xml file into the config tags.


<images> and <shape> can be an absolute paths or a path relative to the shiny app root. <thumbs> must be a folder in the ./www folder of the shiny app.


Technical features

SWDT can give you some inspiration for your own shiny application.

Reactivity and modules



Leaflet for R