

📣⚠📣 nuxt-ackee is moving to @nuxtjs/ackee 📣⚠📣

Ackee module for Nuxt.js has been transferred to the nuxt-community organization. A new version has been released taking advantage of the latest features coming with Ackee. Discover the new doc at ackee.nuxtjs.org!

If you're looking for the old version of this module, check out the v2 branch. The following readme also refers to this old version:


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Nuxt.js module for Ackee analytics

📖 Release Notes


  1. Add nuxt-ackee dependency to your project
yarn add --dev nuxt-ackee # or npm install --save-dev nuxt-ackee
  1. Add nuxt-ackee to the buildModules section of nuxt.config.js
  // use `modules` property is using Nuxt < 2.9.0
  buildModules: [
  ackee: {
    server: 'https://example.com',
    domainId: 'xxx-xxx-xxx',
    ignoreLocalhost: false, // defaults to true
    detailed: true // defaults to false

The module will directly record each route (initial + client-side navigation).

It will also expose this.$ackee and context.$ackee on client-side which is an instance of ackee-tracker.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  3. Start development server using npm run dev


MIT License

Copyright (c) Sergey Bedritsky sergey.bedritsky@gmail.com

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