


PyPI License

Save data from Beeminder to a SQLite database. Supports saving goal data and data points.

How to install

$ pip install beeminder-to-sqlite


Run the following command and enter your beeminder personal auth token:

$ beeminder-to-sqlite auth

This will create a file called auth.json in your current directory containing the required value. To save the file at a different path or filename, use the --auth=myauth.json option.


After you've setup your authentication, you can use the following commend to download and save your Beeminder data:

$ beeminder-to-sqlite goals beeminder.db

More detailed help can be found by running the command with --help

$ beeminder-to-sqlite --help


This package is heavily inspired by goodreads-to-sqlite by Tobias Kunze and github-to-sqlite by Simon Willison.

This package was designed to fit nicely in the dogsheep / datasette ecosystems.