

nacl-blob stability

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Encrypt and decrypt DOM blobs using nacl-stream within service workers. A port of nacl-stream-js's demo into a consumable module.


const naclBlob = require('nacl-blob')
const nacl = require('tweetnacl')

const key = nacl.box.keyPair().secretKey
const nonce = nacl.randomBytes(16)

// Any kind of data inside of a blob
const arr = new Uint8Array(10 * 1024 * 1024 + 111)
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) arr[i] = i & 0xff
const blob = new Blob([arr])

const encryptor = naclBlob.encrypt(key, nonce, blob, (err, encryptedBlob) => {
  if (err) throw (err)
  // some time later
  const decryptor = naclBlob.decrypt(key, nonce, encryptedBlob, (err, decryptedBlob) => {
    if (err) throw (err)
    compareBlobs(blob, decryptedBlob)
  decryptor.on('progress', ({position, length}) => { console.log('decrypting %' + (position / length) * 100) })

encryptor.on('progress', ({position, length}) => { console.log('encrypting %' + (position / length) * 100) })

function compareBlobs (a, b) {
  const r1 = new FileReader()
  r1.onload = function () {
    const r2 = new FileReader()
    r2.onload = function () {
      if (r1.result !== r2.result) {
        console.error('blobs differ')
      } else {
        console.log('blobs are equal')


encrypt = require('nacl-blob').encrypt

Import the encrypt function.

decrypt = require('nacl-blob').decrypt

Import the decrypt function.


This module uses a build-time browserify transform called workerify. If you are not using browserify, you can import from the transformed version of the module by importing from the nacl-blob/dist path. e.g:

const encrypt = require('nacl-blob/dist').encrypt
const decrypt = require('nacl-blob/dist').decrypt

(Wanted, a workerify transform that writes out the contents to a separate bundle)

encrypt(key, nonce, blob, [opts], cb)

Encrypt a File or Blob, using a key and nonce. Returns an event emitter that can be used to display encryption progress. The encrypted data will be returned in the callback as a Blob.

The key must be a 32-byte Uint8Array or Node.js Buffer (see github.com/dchest/tweetnacl-js#usage for details).

The nonce must be a 16-byte Uint8Array or Node.js Buffer.

The blob must be a Blob or File.

Optional opts include:

  chunkSize: 1024 * 1024,
  mimeType: blob.type

The cb function will fire when the file/blob has been encrypted and have the the following arguments:

Returns an Event Emitter that you can use to listen for the following events:

  progress, // in bytes
  length // total bytes

decrypt(key, nonce, encryptedBlob, [opts], [cb])

Decrypt a Blob that was encrypted using a key and nonce. Returns an event emitter that can be used to track progress. The decrypted data will be returned in the callback as a Blob.

The key must be the same 32-byte Uint8Array or Node.js Buffer used to encrypt the file. (see github.com/dchest/tweetnacl-js#usage)

The nonce must be the same 16-byte Uint8Array or Node.js Buffer used to encrypt the file.

The encryptedBlob must be an encrypted Blob or File.

Optional opts include:

  chunkSize: 1024 * 1024,
  mimeType: encryptedBlob.type

The cb function will fire when the file/blob has been decrypted and have the the following arguments:

Returns an Event Emitter that you can use to listen for the following events:

  progress, // in bytes
  length // total bytes

See Also
