


The figure below depicts dataset construction process (red arrows) and video harmonization task (blue arrows).

Dataset Construction Process: Our dataset HYouTube is based on Youtube-VOS-2018. Given real videos with object masks, we adjust their foregrounds using Lookup Tables (LUTs) to produce synthetic composite videos. We employ in total 100 candidate LUTs, in which one LUT corresponds to one type of color transfer. Given a video sample, we first select a LUT from 100 candidate LUTs randomly to transfer the foreground of each frame. The transferred foregrounds and the original backgrounds form the composite frames, and the composite frames form composite video samples. We provide the script lut_transfer_sample.py to generate composite video based on real video, foreground mask, and LUT. Our dataset includes 3194 pairs of synthetic composite video samples and real video samples, which are split to 2558 training pairs and 636 test pairs. Each video sample contains 20 consecutive frames with the foreground mask for each frame. Our HYouTube dataset can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud (access code: dk07) or Bcmi Cloud.

Video Harmonization Task: Given a composite video and the foreground mask, video harmonization task aims to adjust the foreground to make it compatible with the background, resulting in a more realistic composite video.

<img src='Example/dataset_construction.png' align="center" width=512>

Real Composite Videos

Besides, we also synthesize real composite videos. We collect video foregrounds with masks from a video matting dataset as well as video backgrounds from Vimeo-90k Dataset and Internet. Then, we create composite videos via copy-and-paste and finally select 100 composite videos which look reasonable w.r.t. foreground placement but inharmonious w.r.t. color/illumination. 100 real composite videos can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud (access code: nf9b) or Bcmi Cloud.

Getting Started

HYoutube File Structure

Apply Transfer



We provide the script lut_transfer_sample.py to generate composite video based on real video, foreground mask, and LUT.

python lut_transfer_sample.py

Before you run the code, you should change the path of real video directroy, the path of video mask directroy, the path of LUT and the storage path to generate your composite video.


If you find this work useful for your research, please cite our paper using the following BibTeX [arxiv]:

  title={HYouTube: Video Harmonization Dataset},
  author={Xinyuan Lu, Shengyuan Huang, Li Niu, Wenyan Cong, Liqing Zhang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.08809},