

Awesome Object Placement Awesome

A curated list of resources including papers, datasets, and relevant links pertaining to object placement, which aims to learn plausible spatial transformation (e.g., shifting, scaling, affine transformation, perspective transformation) for the inserted foreground object in a composite image considering geometric and semantic information. The simplest case is finding reasonable location and scale for the foreground object. For more complete resources on general image composition, please refer to Awesome-Image-Composition.

We can define three levels of tasks for object placement. (1) Level 1: given a composite image, verify whether the foreground placement is reasonable. (2) Level 2: given a pair of foreground and background, generate one composite image with reasonable foreground placement. (3) Level 3: given a pair of foreground and background, generate all composite images with reasonable foreground placement.

<p align='center'> <img src='./figures/task.jpg' width=70% /> </p>


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Table of Contents


A brief review on object placement is included in the following survey on image composition:

Li Niu, Wenyan Cong, Liu Liu, Yan Hong, Bo Zhang, Jing Liang, Liqing Zhang: "Making Images Real Again: A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Image Composition." arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.14490 (2021). [arXiv] [slides]

Online Demo

Try this online demo for object placement and have fun! hot


1. Instance-specific: predict transformation parameters given a pair of foreground and background

1.1 Generative Methods
1.2 Discriminative Methods

2. Category-specific: predict bounding boxes for certain categories given a background

2.1 Generative Methods
2.2 Discriminative Methods


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