

<!-- README.md is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit README.Rmd (this file) -->

bcgovr <img src="tools/readme/logo.png" align="right" />

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License img R-CMD-check

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An R package to automate set up and sharing of R projects in bcgov GitHub following bcgov guidelines.

All B.C. Government employees are responsible for determining whether bcgov R source code can be shared on bcgov GitHub and for following the BC-Policy-Framework-For-GitHub.

You will need to ensure that Git is installed on your computer. To add your project to bcgov GitHub users need to have a GitHub account and be a member of the bcgov GitHub organisation.



create_bcgov_project() & create_bcgov_package() Create a new—or populate an existing—R project or R package with folders & files that encourage best practice in scientific computing and with files that ensure the project meets bcgov GitHub requirements.

use_bcgov_git() Initialise Git version control for an R project and add files that ensure the project meets bcgov GitHub requirements.

use_bcgov_github() Open a bcgov GitHub repository and synchronise with an existing local R project and add files that ensure the project meets bcgov GitHub requirements. use_bcgov_github() requires that your project already be a Git repository. Use use_bcgov_git() to initialise a Git repository.

create_from_bcgov_github() Clone a bcgov GitHub repository and add files that ensure the project meets bcgov GitHub requirements.

use_bcgov_req() Add files to a new or existing R project to meet bcgov GitHub requirements. You can also add the bcgov required files individually using use_bcgov_contributing(), use_bcgov_licence(), use_bcgov_readme(), use_bcgov_readme_rmd(), use_bcgov_code_of_conduct().

RStudio bcgovr Project & Package Templates

The create_bcgov_project() or create_bcgov_package() and use_bcgov_git functions can be used simultaneously through the bcgovr Project & Package templates in the RStudio New Project dialogue box. The dialogue box allows a user to create a new R project or package with the option to select and individualise the required bcgov GitHub files and initialise Git version control.

RStudio Addins

The bcgovr package installs a set of RStudio Addins:

  1. Insert the boiler-plate Apache 2.0 license header into the comments header of a source file (uses insert_bcgov_apache_header()).
  2. Insert the boiler-plate Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License header into the comments header of a source file (uses insert_bcgov_cc_header()).
  3. Insert a bcgov project lifecycle badge into an .Rmd or .md file to indicate the current state of a project (uses insert_bcgov_lifecycle_badge()).


You can install bcgovr directly from this GitHub repository. To do so, you will need the remotes package:


Next, install and load the bcgovr package using remotes::install_github():


🎉 The authors of bcgovr acknowledge and thank the authors of the usethis R package—bcgovr uses usethis a lot. And by a lot, we mean every bcgovr function uses usethis under the hood 🚘.



<details> <summary> <strong>Create a new bcgov R project or package with a ‘ready-to-go’ folder & file structure</strong> </summary> <br />

Create and open—or populate—a local R project using bcgovr::create_bcgov_project(). Be sure to either specify your local directory using the path argument, or setwd("C:/my-new-project") before running create_bcgov_project(). The template bcgovr folders and files and required bcgov GitHub files will be created in the new directory. For using different project templates, see the Options section below. Type ?create_bcgov_project in the R console for help.

create_bcgov_project(path = "C:/my-new-project", coc_email = "my.email@gov.bc.ca") 
├── 01_load.R
├── 02_clean.R
├── 03_analysis.R
├── 04_output.R
├── R
├── README.Rmd
├── data
├── my-new-project.Rproj
├── out
└── run_all.R

The create_bcgov_package() function is used the same way as create_bcgov_project() but will create all the folders & files to get started on creating an R package. Type ?create_bcgov_package in the R console for help. The R packages book by Hadley Wickham is a very useful resource if you are looking to create R packages.

create_bcgov_package(path = "C:/mynewrpackage", coc_email = "my.email@gov.bc.ca") 
├── NEWS.md
├── R
├── README.Rmd
├── man
├── mynewrpackage.Rproj
└── vignettes
    └── mynewrpackage.Rmd

Users can also use the bcgovr Project & Package templates in the RStudio New Project dialogue box to create a new R project or package. The dialogue box provides the option to select and individualise the required bcgov GitHub files and initialise Git version control.

<img src="tools/readme/proj_template1.png" width="30%" /><img src="tools/readme/proj_template2.png" width="30%" /><img src="tools/readme/proj_template3.png" width="30%" />

<br /> </details> <details> <summary> <strong>Initialise Git version control for my R project (<i>without</i> GitHub)</strong> </summary> <br />

Put your local R project under version control by initialising a Git repository using use_bcgov_git()—this automatically completes staging and committing of the initial folders & files inside the project. The use_bcgov_git() function also ensures the project has the required bcgov GitHub files. Type ?use_bcgov_git in the R console for help.

use_bcgov_git(coc_email = "my.email@gov.bc.ca") 
<br /> </details> <details> <summary> <strong>Open a bcgov GitHub repository and synchronise with my R project</strong> </summary> <br />

Share your R project on bcgov GitHub using use_bcgov_github(). This requires that your project already be a Git repository—use use_bcgov_git() to initialise a Git repository if necessary. The use_bcgov_github() function creates a repository on bcgov GitHub and adds and synchronises your local project with the newly created bcgov GitHub origin. The use_bcgov_github() function also ensures the project has the required bcgov GitHub files. Type ?use_bcgov_github in the R console for help.

use_bcgov_github(organisation = "bcgov", coc_email = "my.email@gov.bc.ca") 
<br /> </details> <details> <summary> <strong>Clone and contribute to an existing bcgov GitHub repository</strong> </summary> <br />

Create a new local Git repository with a project or repository cloned from bcgov GitHub using create_from_bcgov_github(). The create_from_bcgov_github() function also ensures the project has the required bcgov GitHub files. Type ?create_from_bcgov_github in the R console for help.

create_from_bcgov_github(repo = "bcgov/bcgovr", destdir = "C:/my_directory") 
<br /> </details> <details> <summary> <strong>Add all or some of the required bcgov GitHub files to my R project</strong> </summary> <br />

Add the required bcgov GitHub files—a LICENCE, a README, a CODE OF CONDUCT and a CONTRIBUTING file—to any new or existing bcgov R project or package using use_bcgov_req(). Type ?use_bcgov_req in the R console for help.

You can use the licence, coc_email & rmarkdown arguments to change the default Apache 2.0 License, add your contact details to the Code of Conduct, or decline a README.Rmd file—maybe you only want a README.md for the project?

use_bcgov_req(licence = "cc-by", rmarkdown = FALSE, coc_email = "my.email@gov.bc.ca")

You can also add the individual required files as needed using:

use_bcgov_code_of_conduct(coc_email = "my.email@gov.bc.ca")
<br /> </details> <details> <summary> <strong>Insert a licence header into my source file</strong> </summary> <br />

Need to add that Apache 2.0 or Creative Commons License header to a source file? Just click-click:

You can also use insert_bcgov_apache_header() or insert_bcgov_cc_header().

<br /> </details> <details> <summary> <strong>Insert a bcgov project lifecycle badge into my README file</strong> </summary> <br />

Want to add a lifecycle badge to your README file to indicate the current state of the project? Just click-click-click-click:

You can also use insert_bcgov_lifecycle_badge("experimental"). Type ?insert_bcgov_lifecycle_badge in the R console for the list of badge options and other help.



There are several options you can specify in your .Rprofile file to customise the default behaviour when using the create_bcgov_ and use_bcgov_ functions in bcgovr.

To make use of these options, there should be a section in your .Rprofile file that looks something like this:

if (interactive()) {
    options("bcgovr.coc.email" = "my.email@gov.bc.ca")
    options("bcgovr.dir.struct" = c("doc/", "data/", "results/", "src/01_load.R", "src/02_clean.R",
            "src/03_analysis.R", "src/04_output.R", "src/run_all.R"))

The easiest way to edit your .Rprofile is to run usethis::edit_r_profile(). It will open up the file in RStudio for editing. Then save the file, restart R, and your settings will be saved.

Project Status

This package is relatively stable and available for general use.

Getting Help or Reporting an Issue

To report bugs/issues/feature requests, please file an Issue.

How to Contribute

If you would like to contribute to the package, please see our CONTRIBUTING guidelines.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Copyright 2017 Province of British Columbia

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at 


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.