


Build&Test Go Report Card Go Reference codecov

Qelog is a small, low cost and light operation and maintenance of the log service. The purpose of its birth is to solve the problem of small and medium-sized team multi-service group log and alarm.

It has been running stably for 2+ years and has been rolling over 100+TB of data.


admin manager example address username:admin passwd:123456

Log System Features:


Log receiver server

Log manager server

Performance test tool

Design drawing

Design drawing


Qezap Client import your project

go get -u github.com/bbdshow/qelog/qezap

Client use example

Quick Deploy

default use single node deploy

Docker Deploy
git clone https://github.com/bbdshow/qelog.git
cd qelog
# build docker image
make image
# docker-compose start container
docker-compose up -d
Binary Deploy
git clone https://github.com/bbdshow/qelog.git
cd qelog
cd bin
# ./qelog or nohup ./qelog &

Service cluster deployment

Cluster deployment time, pay attention to mongo configuration file and qelog service running mode "cluster_admin" | "cluster_receiver", use docker-compose.yaml for cluster layout...

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