

RadioVis STOMP Server

This is an implementation of a subset of the STOMP protocol in node.js, for purpose of deploying a RadioVis service.

RadioVis was standardised in ETSI TS 101 499, Hybrid Digital Radio (DAB, DRM, RadioDNS); SlideShow; User Application Specification.


The recommended version of Node.js is v20

npm install
npm start

This will start a STOMP server running on port 61613.

Publishing images and text

Content is pushed to clients via a HTTP POST. The content can be sent using either URL encoding, or as JSON. Text and Image can be sent using separate requests or in the same request. A link may optionally be specified at the same time as an image.

For example to update the text for a station using curl:

curl -v http://localhost:3000/services/station1 -d 'text=Hello World'

Or to update the image and link:

curl http://localhost:3000/services/station2 \
  -d 'image=http://www.example.com/images/myimage.jpg' \
  -d 'link=http://www.example.com/programmes/breakfast'

Running Tests

npm test

To generate a test coverage report:

npm run coverage


The settings.js file is used to configure the server. It supports the following confection options:

Setting NameDefaultDescription
stompPort61613STOMP port to listen for client connections on.
stompHost0.0.0.0IP address to bind STOMP connections to.
adminPort3000HTTP port to listen for HTTP admin connections on.
adminHost127.0.0.1IP address to bind HTTP admin interface to.
servicesFileservices.jsonJSON file to load list of broadcast services from.
republishFrequency900How often to re-publish messages to subscribers.
wildcardfalseEnable support for wildcard bearer in topics (*)


BBC R&D have written a GUI python tool called RadioVisDemo which can be useful to test a RadioVis server:


Or to test using the command-line, you could use the stomp.py tool to subscribe to messages:

stomp -H -P 61613 -S 1.0 -L '/topic/fm/ce2/c201/09710/text'

Here is is another example subscribing to all services using a wildcard topic:

stomp -H -P 61613 -S 1.0 -L '/topic/*/text' --verbose


Copyright 2017-2024 British Broadcasting Corporation

The RadioVis STOMP Server is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.

The RadioVis STOMP Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Apache License, Version 2.0 for more details.

The favicon.ico image was created from the Mozilla radio SVG:


Which is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0):
