

SyncKit iOS Companion Screen DVB-CSS Synchronisation Library

dvbcss-synckit-ios is a collection of iOS dynamic libraries ("Frameworks") for building media-based Companion screen applications that are synchronised frame-accurately to a TV.

It provides iOS implementations of the client side of the DVB CSS media-synchronisation protocols as used in HbbTV 2 compliant connected TVs. It also includes useful building blocks such as native media players, device discovery components, loggers, WebSockets- and UDP- based messaging, JSON to Objective-C deserialisation etc.

Getting Started

When developing applications with the SyncKit framework, either use the lower-level components e.g. the DVB-CSS protocol clients or use the higher-level abstractions that the library provides e.g. timeline synchronisers, sync controllers and the Synchroniser singleton.


Clone the repository

The first step is to clone this repository, or use one of the release tarballs.

Run the example app

The repository includes a demo iOS application that uses SyncKit to discover a TV on the network and synchronise to it when playing a video.

This demo assumes that a DVB-CSS- or HbbTV 2 compliant TV/STB or emulator is being used to play a video stream. The application when deployed on an iOS device will then synchronise against that video stream.

For details on how it works and how to run it, see the SyncKitVideoSyncDemoApp README.

Make sure you add the required companion media files before trying to build and run it.

Use SyncKit in your own project

To use these frameworks in your own applications, you must build and import the frameworks into your project that you need.

Either include the project for each framework you need into your own project workspace and build it; or build in in this repository's synckit.xcworkspace.

Then add the frameworks you need under Linked Frameworks and libraries in your project's target configuration.

You can omit libraries you do not need. However, ensure that the dependencies of your libraries are always satisfied. The READMEs and docs for each framework lists its dependencies.

There is some more detailed guidance on how to do this if you need it.


Read the documentation

All documentation is available online here.

Each iOS framework in SyncKit has accompanying documentation and where applicable, example apps that demonstrate usage of the framework. [](---END EXCLUDE FROM DOC BUILD---)

Overview of iOS Frameworks provided

SyncKit contains a wide set of functionality divided into frameworks:

For more detailed information, see the Frameworks overview documentation.


The original author is Rajiv Ramdhany 'at' bbc.co.uk.


The dvbcss-synckit-ios iOS library is developed by BBC R&D and distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

© Copyright 2016 BBC R&D. All Rights Reserved