

Peapod for TinkerPop 3 <a href="http://www.ej-technologies.com/products/jprofiler/overview.html"><img src="https://www.ej-technologies.com/images/product_banners/jprofiler_large.png" align="right" height="42"></a><a href="https://bayofmany.ci.cloudbees.com/"><img src="https://www.cloudbees.com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/Button-Built-on-CB-1.png" width="150" align="right"></a>

The project's name refers to the java class encapsulation of graph vertices. <br /> It's a just like peapods wrapping peas.

An object-graph wrapper (OGW) for the TinkerPop 3 graph stack. This project has been created as an alternative to the Frames module in TinkerPop 2.

Complete documentation can be found here.

This project is similar to the Totorom library created by Bryn Cook and the Ferma library created by Jeffrey Phillips Freeman. The main differences are:

To integrate peapod in your project, include the following dependency. <br /> (Disclaimer: The 0.3.2 version is still an experimental release using Apache TinkerPop 3.2.1).

<img src="http://tinkerpop.apache.org/docs/current/images/tinkerpop-classic.png" width="400" >

This way you define the framed vertices and edges:

public abstract class Person {
  public abstract String getName();
  public abstract void setName(String name);

  public abstract List<Knows> getKnows();
  public abstract Knows getKnows(Person person);
  public abstract Knows addKnows(Person person);
  public abstract Knows removeKnows(Person person);

public abstract class Knows {
  public abstract void setYears(int years);
  public abstract int getYears();

And this way you query for and interact with the framed objects:

public void testClassic() {
    Graph g = TinkerFactory.createClassic();
    FramedGraph graph = new FramedGraph(g, Person.class.getPackage());

    Person marko = graph.v(1, Person.class);
    assertEquals("marko", marko.getName());

    Person vadas = graph.v(2, Person.class);
    Person josh = graph.v(4, Person.class);

    List<Person> result = graph.V(Person.class).has("name", "josh").toList();
    assertThat(result, contains(josh));

    assertThat(marko.getKnows(), containsInAnyOrder(vadas, josh));

This project uses code derived from the TinkerPop project under the Apache license and/or TinkerPop license.