KeySniffer device discovery tools and advisories
For information on the KeySniffer vulnerabilities, please visit
- SDCC (minimum version 3.1.0)
- GNU Binutils
- Python
- platformio
Install dependencies on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install sdcc binutils python python-pip
sudo pip install -U pip
sudo pip install -U -I pyusb
sudo pip install -U platformio
Supported Hardware
The following hardware has been tested and is known to work.
- CrazyRadio PA USB dongle
- SparkFun nRF24LU1+ breakout board
- Logitech Unifying dongle (model C-U0007, Nordic Semiconductor based)
Initialize the submodule
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build the firmware
cd nrf-research-firmware
Flash over USB
nRF24LU1+ chips come with a factory programmed bootloader occupying the topmost 2KB of flash memory. The CrazyRadio firmware and RFStorm research firmware support USB commands to enter the Nordic bootloader.
Dongles and breakout boards can be programmed over USB if they are running one of the following firmwares:
- Nordic Semiconductor Bootloader
- CrazyRadio Firmware
- RFStorm Research Firmware
To flash the firmware over USB:
cd nrf-research-firmware
sudo make install
Flash a Logitech Unifying dongle
The most common Unifying dongles are based on the nRF24LU1+, but some use chips from Texas Instruments. This firmware is only supported on the nRF24LU1+ variants, which have a model number of C-U0007. The flashing script will automatically detect which type of dongle is plugged in, and will only attempt to flash the nRF24LU1+ variants.
To flash the firmware over USB onto a Logitech Unifying dongle:
cd nrf-research-firmware
sudo make logitech_install
Flash a Logitech Unifying dongle back to the original firmware
Download and extract the Logitech firmware image, which will be named RQR_012_005_00028.hex
or similar. Then, run the following command to flash the Logitech firmware onto the dongle:
cd nrf-research-firmware
sudo ./prog/usb-flasher/ [path-to-firmware.hex]
Flash over SPI using a Teensy
If your dongle or breakout board is bricked, you can alternatively program it over SPI using a Teensy.
This has only been tested with a Teensy 3.1/3.2, but is likely to work with other Arduino variants as well.
Build and Upload the Teensy Flasher
cd nrf-research-firmware/prog
platformio run --project-dir teensy-flasher --target upload
Connect the Teensy to the nRF24LU1+
Teensy | CrazyRadio PA | Sparkfun nRF24LU1+ Breakout |
GND | 9 | GND |
8 | 3 | RESET |
9 | 2 | PROG |
10 | 10 | P0.3 |
11 | 6 | P0.1 |
12 | 8 | P0.2 |
13 | 4 | P0.0 |
3.3V | 5 | VIN |
Flash the nRF24LU1+
cd nrf-research-firmware
sudo make spi_install
Python Scripts
device discovery - MOSART Semiconductor based devices
Identify nearby MOSART Semiconductor based wireless keyboard dongles
usage: ./tools/
device discovery - GE 98614 wireless keyboard
usage: ./tools/