

📘 yaml2bib: Convert YAML to BibTeX with Correct Journal Abbreviations Using Only DOIs 🚀

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Introducing 🌟 yaml2bib, an easy-to-use and powerful Python library and command-line tool that seamlessly converts YAML files to BibTeX format, all while maintaining the correct journal abbreviations using only DOIs! 🎉 Whether you're a researcher or a student, yaml2bib will simplify and streamline your bibliography management process. With an intuitive interface, customizable options, and compatibility as both a library and a command-line tool, it's never been more convenient to create and maintain your citation records. Say goodbye to manual conversions and hello to yaml2bib! 🚀

🛠️ Installation

pip install yaml2bib

🚀 Usage

Command Line Tool

Check out the help message yaml2bib --help:

<!-- CODE:BASH:START --> <!-- echo '```bash' --> <!-- yaml2bib --help --> <!-- echo '```' --> <!-- CODE:END --> <!-- OUTPUT:START --> <!-- ⚠️ This content is auto-generated by `markdown-code-runner`. -->
Usage: yaml2bib [OPTIONS]

  --bib_fname TEXT          Output file. (default: 'dissertation.bib')
  --dois_yaml TEXT          The `key: doi` YAML file, may contain wildcards
                            (*). (default: 'bib.yaml', example: '*/*.yaml')
  --replacements_yaml TEXT  Replacements to perform, might be None. (default:
                            None, example: 'replacements.yaml')
  --static_bib TEXT         Static bib entries, might be None, may contain
                            wildcards (*). (default: None, example:
  --doi2bib_database TEXT   The doi2bib database folder 📁 to not query doi.org
                            more than needed. (default: 'yaml2bib-doi2bib.db')
  --crossref_database TEXT  The Crossref database folder 📁 to not query
                            crossref.org more than needed. (default:
  --email TEXT              E-mail 📧 for crossref.org, such that one can make
                            more API calls without getting blocked. (default:
                            'anonymous', example: 'bas@nijho.lt')
  --help                    Show this message and exit.
<!-- OUTPUT:END -->

Example invocation for Bas Nijholt's thesis:

yaml2bib \
  --bib_fname "dissertation.bib" \
  --dois_yaml "*/*.yaml" \
  --replacements_yaml "replacements.yaml" \
  --static_bib "chapter_*/not_on_crossref.bib" \
  --email "bas@nijho.lt"

Python Library

from yaml2bib import yaml2bib


🌟 Full Example

Check out the examples

Convert with:

yaml2bib \
  --bib_fname "example.bib" \
  --dois_yaml "example.yaml" \
  --replacements_yaml "replacements.yaml" \
  --static_bib "not_on_crossref.bib" \
  --email "bas@nijho.lt"