

Forms9Patch Alt text

A suite of elements built to simplify image management, text formatting, PNG generation, PDF generation, and printing for your NetStandard, PCL, and Shared Library Xamarin.Forms iOS, Android and UWP applications.

You can learn more at https://baskren.github.io/Forms9Patch/index.html


Xamarin Forms is great for developing cross platform applications (certainly very sane) but it is missing some important features:

Android developers can use NinePatch bitmaps, the drawable directory naming convention, Html.FromHtml, and a bunch of complex file manipulations to address the image issue. Likewise, iOS developers can use ResizeableImageWithCapInsets, the @2x, @3x, @4x file naming convention, and some 3rd party libraries for this purpose. Custom fonts are a bit more complicated and label layouts take things up another notch. Forms9Patch enhances Xamarin Forms to make multi-resolution / multi-screen image management, custom fonts, and HTML text formatting easy for NetStandard, PCL and Shared Library applications for iOS, Android and UWP.


There are a number of guides to get you started:

If you want to learn more (or findout about Forms9Patch features not in the above guides):


Demo apps are in the Demo folder of this repository.