<br> <p align=center><img src="logo.png" width=100vw></p>The Basil Programming Language
println "Welcome to Basil!"
def greetings = ["Hello" "Nice to meet you" "Salutations"]
def greet name? greeting? =
println greeting + ", " + name + "!"
println "What's your name?"
greet (read String) greetings[1]
<p align=center><sub>For more examples, see the <code>example/</code> directory located in this project's root!</sub></p>
Basil is a fast and flexible language for expressing complex problems in natural terms without compromising readability, simplicity, or performance.
- A novel context-sensitive parser that allows seamless manipulation of language syntax.
- Homoiconicity, supporting Lisp-style metaprogramming via quotations and
. - A "first-class everything" approach - Basil has no keywords, and almost no rigid syntax, so even primitive types and operations can be extended and manipulated.
- A static, structural type system that permits expressive type-level programming.
- Evaluation is compile-time by default, with the compiler capable of evaluating arbitrary Basil code.
- Partial evaluation allows the compiler to "lower" expensive or effectful code, compiling it to efficient native code instead of evaluating it ahead-of-time.
- Our home-grown compiler backend compiles Basil code quickly, and applies competitive optimizations.
- Finally, the whole compiler and runtime fits in under a megabyte and depends only on libc.
Currently, we only support building the Basil compiler from source. You'll need a C++17-conformant C++ compiler, a Python 2.7 or Python 3 interpreter, and maybe a bit of resourcefulness...
$ git clone
$ ./ --help # lists all build options (compiler to use, additional flags, etc)
$ ./ basil-release
$ bin/basil help
Basil's language runtime can be compiled separately, as either a statically or dynamically linked library.
$ ./ librt-static # to build a statically-linked library
$ ./ librt-dynamic # to build a dynamically-linked library
Supported Platforms
Operating Systems:
- Linux
- Windows
- MacOS
- x86_64
- AArch64
Basil is distributed under the 3-Clause BSD License. See LICENSE for details.