

Riak Explorer GUI

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This is the GUI component of the Riak Explorer project.

If you would like to try Riak Explorer on one of your own clusters, follow the Riak Explorer install Instructions For development instructions, see below.

Development Prerequisites

This app uses the Ember.JS framework. You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.

In addition to the front-end dependencies required, Riak KV or Riak TS must be installed and running, as well as the Riak Explorer Backend. See the Riak Explorer development instructions for more details.

Installing Ember pre-requisites

Running / Development

To get the Ember dev server to communicate with the riak_explorer api, we have to use a proxy server to catch all api requests and alter the port. Assuming riak_explorer is running on port 9000 and the Ember server on port 4200, you can set up some rewrite rules to handle these cases. If using Charles Proxy, make sure your network is allowing a proxy server and create the following url rewrite rules:

If you don't want to use a proxy server to intercept and alter requests, you can also build the project and copy it over to the riak_explorer dist directory:

  1. Run make. This compiles everything in the Ember build pipeline, and copies it into the local dist/ directory.

  2. Copy the contents of the build from the local dist/ into Riak Explorer API's dist/ directory.

  3. Refresh the browser to see changes, as usual. The URL for the Ember app is served on the same port as the Explorer API (port 9000, by default).

For example, if your riak_explorer repo is located at /Users/yourusername/code/riak_explorer, you can do:

export EXPLORER_PATH=/Users/yourusername/code/riak_explorer

make recompile

cp -R dist/* $EXPLORER_PATH/priv/ember_riak_explorer/dist

Notes to Ember.js Developers

This project uses Ember 2.0+ and Ember Data, and attempts to follow current Ember conventions. The app uses "pod" architecture for most resources, though there are some standalone routes and models.

Ember Data and Riak Explorer

All resources are flowing through Ember Data in the application. Riak and Ember Data do not mesh well together in two areas:

  1. None of the Riak HTTP API results are in JSON-API format (no unique IDs, etc). The situation is slightly better on Explorer endpoints (since we can change those a lot more easily than we can the actual Riak API), we can put at least some of them in JSON-API format. Due to these api format limitations, we heavily use Ember Data Serializers to format our responses correctly.

  2. Ember Data assumes flat URLs, with unique IDs. Whereas both Riak and Explorer have deeply nested URLs, with what essentially are "compound keys", in RDBMS language. Because resource id's are required for Ember Data to function, we assign the compound key as the id in the resources Ember Data Adapter. A side effect of this decision, is that we can not load child resources without loading the objects parent resource. To ensure a resource call will correctly load its parent resource, the application heavily uses the explorer service, which is injected into all routes.

Generating Documentation

This project uses YUIDoc to annotate comments in the source code, and ember-cli-yuidoc to auto-generate documentation from it. Run:

ember ember-cli-yuidoc

And the docs will be generated in the docs/ directory.

Running Tests

Testing requires that phantomjs is installed on your local machine.

To run the test suite:

To run the test suite with watcher and ability to view tests in browser:


(Default Ember doc copy)

Further Reading / Useful Links