

chat.sh - No dependency OpenRouter chatbot

./chat "Imagine if you could" && ./do $ANYTHING

A simple, powerful bash script for interacting with AI models through the OpenRouter API. No dependencies required beyond a standard bash environment and curl.


Quick Start

  1. Download the script:

    curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yourusername/chat.sh/main/chat.sh
    chmod +x chat.sh
  2. Run it once to configure the API key and default model:

  3. Start chatting!

    ./chat.sh "Hello, what can you do?"


# Simple prompt (adds to current history)
./chat.sh "your prompt"

# Clear the history
./chat.sh --clear

# Use a specific model for this chat only
./chat.sh "your prompt" --model "model/slug"



Basic Usage

# Simple chat
./chat.sh "Hello! What can you do?"

# Create and run scripts
./chat.sh "Write a bash script that lists all .txt files in the current directory"

Advanced Usage

# Generate a Python script and then explain it
./chat.sh "Write a Python script that calculates the Fibonacci sequence" | ./chat.sh "Explain this Python code"

# Generate a bash command and execute it (use with caution!)
./chat.sh "Give me a bash command to list all .txt files" | bash

# Use different models in a pipeline
./chat.sh "Write a short story about a robot" --model "anthropic/claude-3-opus-20240229" | 
./chat.sh "Summarize this story in one sentence" --model "openai/gpt-3.5-turbo"

# Generate and analyze code
./chat.sh "Write a simple Java class for a bank account" | 
./chat.sh "Analyze this Java code for potential improvements"

# Multi-step task: Generate, translate, and summarize
./chat.sh "Write a short story about AI" | 
./chat.sh "Translate this to French" | 
./chat.sh "Summarize this French text in English"

Integration with Unix tools

# Save output to a file
./chat.sh "Write a short report on climate change" > climate_report.txt

# Count words in generated content
./chat.sh "Write a poem about technology" | wc -w

# Process file contents
cat complicated_code.py | ./chat.sh "Explain this Python code and suggest optimizations"

# Data analysis
cat large_dataset.csv | ./chat.sh "Analyze this CSV data and provide insights"

Additional Commands

# Get latest subreddit post title
# param1 (optional) the full subreddit URL
./reddit/sub/post/title/latest/get "https://reddit.com/r/TARGET_SUBREDDIT"

# Poll for the latest change every 5-10min (variable)
# param1 (optional) the full subreddit URL
# OUTPUTS: "MATCH" if the titles are the same, "NEW" if they are different 
./reddit/sub/post/title/latest/poll "https://reddit.com/r/TARGET_SUBREDDIT"

Potential Use Cases

  1. Code generation and review
  2. Natural language processing of logs or system outputs
  3. Interactive documentation generation
  4. AI-assisted system administration
  5. On-the-fly content translation and summarization
  6. Data analysis and report generation

Security Note

Always review generated code or commands before execution, especially when piping directly to bash or other interpreters. This script is powerful but should be used responsibly.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


MIT License