A casually designed zsh theme. No roughness, just smooth.
lish is a zsh theme that adds the most of what you need. It includes:
- user@host context
- current directory
- $? check (checks fail status)
- git intergration using the oh-my-zsh library (with gwip support)
- Signals:
- Dirty: *
- Clean: .
- Added: +
- Modified: =
- Removed: x
- Renamed: :
- Unmerged: !
- Untracked: o
- Stashed: ^
- Ahead: >
- Behind: <
- Diverged: $
- Gwipped (gwip alias): (WIP)
- current time
- root indicator (% if user, # if root)
Install it by cloning the repository to $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/lish