

Feature overview


At the moment the AutoMod works solely on local communities. Support for federated communities might be added in future updates.


Optionally, the AutoMod may be appointed as an administrator in an instance. This will offer an additional feature:


There are three possible installation methods:

The repository's wiki includes a brief guide on how to set up all of these deployments.


Once the AutoMod has been correctly installed on an instance, moderators will be able to add their custom configurations and rules.

Configuration is done through direct messages between a moderator's account and the AutoMod's.
AutoMod rules should be in the JSON format and follow the provided schemas.

More detailed documentation on how to configure the AutoMod may be found in this repository's wiki.


Eventually, these features will be added to the AutoMod:

Feature request

If you have any ideas for additional features that you'd like to see in this bot, feel free to open an issue detailing your request.