

LaravelSnippets.com website

Live site - http://laravelsnippets.com/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/laravelsnippets

Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/LaravelSnippets

Don't forget to star this repository :) And feel free to fork it.

Core Developers

How to contribute?

Bug fixes


You can also contribute features by visiting the issues page on the repository, you'll see issues tagged with "request", if you want to implement it, just leave a comment that you will implement it and just send a pull request.


A huge thanks to these developers who contributed to the development of the site:


  1. PHP 5.4
  2. Redis

Local Installation

See wiki page

Running the tests

  1. Create a test database and configure config/testing/database.php

  2. Migrate and Seed database for testing php artisan migrate --seed --env=testing

  3. Run php vendor/bin/phpunit in the console