


Release CI Test

Redo is a command line application to easily create reusable functions in your own shell. Think of redo like an interactive way combine multiple commands from your shell history in a single command. This can be handy for quickly re-doing multiple commands for example deleting and starting a new docker container.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/barthr/redo/blob/master/docs/demo.gif" width="90%" height="90%" /> </p>



Prebuilt binaries

Using the provided installation script

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/barthr/redo/master/install.sh)

Download one of the prebuilt binaries from: https://github.com/barthr/redo/releases and run the following command

tar -xf <downloaded_archive> redo && sudo mv redo /usr/local/bin

Install from source

go install github.com/barthr/redo@latest

After downloading add the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc

source "$(redo alias-file)"

This will make sure that the aliases from redo are loaded on every shell session.


redo contains a couple of commands, which can be used to create reusable functions.

  1. redo - Opens up the interactive window to create a new function
  2. redo alias-file - Prints the path to the functions file
  3. redo edit - Opens the functions file in your configured editor
  4. redo help - Prints a help message which includes information about all the commands


Redo can mostly run without requiring any specific configuration, however it is possible to customize this configuration by setting the following environment variables:

REDO_ALIAS_PATH: The path where the alias file of redo is stored (defaults to aliases file in user config dir)

REDO_CONFIG_PATH: The config path for redo (defaults to user config dir)

REDO_HISTORY_PATH: The location of the history file which redo uses to source commands (*defaults to HISTFILE if it is exported)

REDO_EDITOR: The editor you want to use when running commands like redo edit (defaults to EDITOR **if it is exported **)


Redo can be bind to a shortcut, so you can easily summon it without calling it directly.

zsh CTRL+e summons redo: Put the following line in your zshrc file

bindkey -s '^e' 'redo^M'

bash CTRL+e summons redo: Put the following line in your bashrc file or bash_profile

bind '"\C-e":"redo\n"'


