

This is a fork server based approach to fuzz Java applications on Java virtual machine with american fuzzy lop. See caveats section about the downsides of this approach.


Fuzzing with american fuzzy lop works by instrumenting the compiled Java bytecode with probabilistic program coverage revealing instrumentation. There are general types of instrumeting fuzzing modes in programs that can be fuzzed with afl-fuzz command. The default fork server mode does not need any modifications to the program source code and can work as is. There are also more efficient deferred fork server and persistent modes that enable you to skip some initialization code and keep the JVM running longer than for just one input.

Ahead of time instrumentation

Ahead of time instrumentation works by instrumenting specific .jar or .class files that you want to run with afl-fuzz for your program. This is done by running the built java-afl-instrument.jar and instrumenting each jar or class file that you want to include in your program. No source code modifications are necessary to get started:

$ java -jar java-afl-instrument.jar instrumented/ ClassToTest.class
$ java -jar java-afl-instrument.jar instrumented/ jar-to-test.jar

As instrumentation injects native JNI code into the used files, so you can only run these files on similar enough systems that java-afl-instrument.jar was run on.

Then you are ready to fuzz your Java application with afl-fuzz. It can be done with this type of command with the provided java-afl-fuzz wrapper script:

$ java-afl-fuzz -m 20000 -i in/ -o /dev/shm/fuzz-out/ -- java -cp instrumented/ ClassToTest
$ java-afl-fuzz -m 20000 -i in/ -o /dev/shm/fuzz-out/ -- java -jar instrumented/jar-to-test.jar

Just in time instrumentation

Just in time instrumentation works by wrapping the main function of a program that you want to run around a custom instrumentation injecting ClassLoader. This way you will get more thorough instrumentation than just running ahead of time instrumentation on your program, but at the same time the instrumentation likely covers code that you are not interested in.

Just in time instrumentation works by adding both java-afl-run.jar and the target classes to CLASSPATH and running javafl.run class with the target class name as a parameter:

$ java-afl-fuzz -m 20000 -i in/ -o /dev/shm/fuzz-out/ \
      -- java -cp java-afl-run.jar:. javafl.run ClassToTest
$ java-afl-fuzz -m 20000 -i in/ -o /dev/shm/fuzz-out/ \
      -- java -cp java-afl-run.jar:jar-to-test.jar javafl.run ClassToTest

Notice that there is no need to first instrument the class files, as it is done on fly. This has the same platform specific limitations as ahead of time compilation, as this instrumentation injects native JNI code into the used files. So you can only fuzz programs with java-afl-run.jar on similar enough systems that java-afl-run.jar was built on.

java-afl-fuzz parameters

Parameters to java-afl-fuzz command have following functions:

More detailed description of available options can be found from american fuzzy lop's README. You may also want to adjust maximum heap size with -Xmx option to be smaller than the default if you fuzz multiple JVM instances on the same machine to keep memory usage sane.

Advanced usage

More efficient deferred and persistent modes start each fuzzing iteration later than at the beginning of main() function. Using deferred or persistent mode requires either a special annotation for the main() function or --custom-init flag to the instrument program:

public class ProgramCustom {
    public static void main(String args[]) {

Or you can instrument unmodified code in such way that the init function does not need to reside inside main() by making --custom-init as the first parameter:

$ java -jar java-afl-instrument.jar --custom-init instrumented/ ClassToTest.class
$ java -jar java-afl-instrument.jar --custom-init instrumented/ jar-to-test.jar

To put the application into deferred mode where all the initialization code that comes before javafl.fuzz.init() function can be done in following fashion:

public class ProgramPersistent {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // You need to read the actual input after initialization point.
        ... do actual input processing...

To put the program into a persistent mode you need wrap the part that you want to execute around a while (javafl.fuzz.loop(<iterations>)) loop. If you read the input from System.in, you need to take care that you flush Java's buffering on it after you have read your data:

public class ProgramPersistent {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        byte[] data = new byte[128];
        int read = 128;
        while (javafl.fuzz.loop(100000)) {
            read = System.in.read(data, 0, data.length);
            // Throw away all buffering information from stdin for the
            // next iteration:
            ... do actual input processing...

Options controlling instrumentation

Command line switches to java-afl-instrument.jar:

Environmental variables:


As there are tons of different tools to build Java programs with automatic dependency fetching, java-afl supports more than one way to build itself.

If you pass american fuzzy lop's source code directory that has config.h file in it, you can pass following C flags to JNI compilation part:

CFLAGS="-I<path-to-afl-src-dir> -DHAVE_AFL_CONFIG_H"

This makes the compiled information match to what afl-fuzz expects if it has been modified in any way. Build systems also try to deduce this (TODO) during compilation from existing afl-showmap command if such exists.


Bazel a build tool that can handle very large programs with ease.

$ bazel build :java-afl-instrument_deploy.jar :java-afl-run_deploy.jar
# Stand-alone jars are under  bazel-bin/ as java-afl-instrument_deploy.jar and java-afl-run_deploy.jar


CMake is the PHP of build systems. Widely available and gets stuff done but becomes quite painful after a while.

$ ( mkdir -p build-cmake && cd build-cmake && cmake .. -GNinja )
$ ninja -C build-cmake
# Stand-alone jars are under build-cmake/ as java-afl-instrument.jar and java-afl-run.jar

Travis CI Build Status

Requires Ubuntu 14.04 based system. You need to have ASM 6.1 to build this as a dependency in addition to Java 8 and afl build dependencies. Currently there is a crude build script to build and test this implementation:

$ ./build.sh

Even though building requires Java 8, this should be able to instrument programs that run only on some older versions of Java.


Performance numbers on Intel Core i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz with OpenJDK 1.8.0_151 and afl 2.52b. These tests were done with the simple test programs that are provided at test/ directory.




Mandatory dependencies to build this:

Optional dependencies for building include one of these:


Java virtual machine is a multi-threaded application and fork() call only preserves the thread that called it. This creates some issues from performance and stability point of view:


Copyright 2018 Jussi Judin

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.