

U-ViT<br> <sub><small>Official PyTorch implementation of All are Worth Words: A ViT Backbone for Diffusion Models (CVPR 2023)</small></sub>

💡Projects with U-ViT:

<img src="uvit.png" alt="drawing" width="400"/>

Vision transformers (ViT) have shown promise in various vision tasks while the U-Net based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) remains dominant in diffusion models. We design a simple and general ViT-based architecture (named U-ViT) for image generation with diffusion models. U-ViT is characterized by treating all inputs including the time, condition and noisy image patches as tokens and employing long skip connections between shallow and deep layers. We evaluate U-ViT in unconditional and class-conditional image generation, as well as text-to-image generation tasks, where U-ViT is comparable if not superior to a CNN-based U-Net of a similar size. In particular, latent diffusion models with U-ViT achieve record-breaking FID scores of 2.29 in class-conditional image generation on ImageNet 256x256, and 5.48 in text-to-image generation on MS-COCO, among methods without accessing large external datasets during the training of generative models.

Our results suggest that, for diffusion-based image modeling, the long skip connection is crucial while the down-sampling and up-sampling operators in CNN-based U-Net are not always necessary. We believe that U-ViT can provide insights for future research on backbones in diffusion models and benefit generative modeling on large scale cross-modality datasets.

This codebase implements the transformer-based backbone 📌U-ViT📌 for diffusion models, as introduced in the paper. U-ViT treats all inputs as tokens and employs long skip connections. The long skip connections grealy promote the performance and the convergence speed.

<img src="skip_im.png" alt="drawing" width="400"/>

💡This codebase contains:

<img src="sample.png" alt="drawing" width="800"/>

💡This codebase supports useful techniques for efficient training and sampling of diffusion models:

Training speed and memory of U-ViT-H/2 on ImageNet 256x256 using a batch size of 128 with a A100:

mixed precision trainingxformersgradient checkpointingtraining speedmemory
-out of memory
0.97 steps/second78852 MB
1.14 steps/second54324 MB
0.87 steps/second18858 MB


pip install torch torchvision --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116  # install torch-1.13.1
pip install accelerate==0.12.0 absl-py ml_collections einops wandb ftfy==6.1.1 transformers==4.23.1

# xformers is optional, but it would greatly speed up the attention computation.
pip install -U xformers
pip install -U --pre triton

Pretrained Models

ModelFIDtraining iterationsbatch size
CIFAR10 (U-ViT-S/2)3.11500K128
CelebA 64x64 (U-ViT-S/4)2.87500K128
ImageNet 64x64 (U-ViT-M/4)5.85300K1024
ImageNet 64x64 (U-ViT-L/4)4.26300K1024
ImageNet 256x256 (U-ViT-L/2)3.40300K1024
ImageNet 256x256 (U-ViT-H/2)2.29500K1024
ImageNet 512x512 (U-ViT-L/4)4.67500K1024
ImageNet 512x512 (U-ViT-H/4)4.05500K1024
MS-COCO (U-ViT-S/2)5.951M256
MS-COCO (U-ViT-S/2, Deep)5.481M256

Preparation Before Training and Evaluation


Download stable-diffusion directory from this link (which contains image autoencoders converted from Stable Diffusion). Put the downloaded directory as assets/stable-diffusion in this codebase. The autoencoders are used in latent diffusion models.


Reference statistics for FID

Download fid_stats directory from this link (which contains reference statistics for FID). Put the downloaded directory as assets/fid_stats in this codebase. In addition to evaluation, these reference statistics are used to monitor FID during the training process.


We use the huggingface accelerate library to help train with distributed data parallel and mixed precision. The following is the training command:

# the training setting
num_processes=2  # the number of gpus you have, e.g., 2
train_script=train.py  # the train script, one of <train.py|train_ldm.py|train_ldm_discrete.py|train_t2i_discrete.py>
                       # train.py: training on pixel space
                       # train_ldm.py: training on latent space with continuous timesteps
                       # train_ldm_discrete.py: training on latent space with discrete timesteps
                       # train_t2i_discrete.py: text-to-image training on latent space
config=configs/cifar10_uvit_small.py  # the training configuration
                                      # you can change other hyperparameters by modifying the configuration file

# launch training
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes $num_processes --mixed_precision fp16 $train_script --config=$config

We provide all commands to reproduce U-ViT training in the paper:

# CIFAR10 (U-ViT-S/2)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 4 --mixed_precision fp16 train.py --config=configs/cifar10_uvit_small.py

# CelebA 64x64 (U-ViT-S/4)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 4 --mixed_precision fp16 train.py --config=configs/celeba64_uvit_small.py 

# ImageNet 64x64 (U-ViT-M/4)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 train.py --config=configs/imagenet64_uvit_mid.py

# ImageNet 64x64 (U-ViT-L/4)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 train.py --config=configs/imagenet64_uvit_large.py

# ImageNet 256x256 (U-ViT-L/2)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 train_ldm.py --config=configs/imagenet256_uvit_large.py

# ImageNet 256x256 (U-ViT-H/2)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 train_ldm_discrete.py --config=configs/imagenet256_uvit_huge.py

# ImageNet 512x512 (U-ViT-L/4)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 train_ldm.py --config=configs/imagenet512_uvit_large.py

# ImageNet 512x512 (U-ViT-H/4)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 train_ldm_discrete.py --config=configs/imagenet512_uvit_huge.py

# MS-COCO (U-ViT-S/2)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 4 --mixed_precision fp16 train_t2i_discrete.py --config=configs/mscoco_uvit_small.py

# MS-COCO (U-ViT-S/2, Deep)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 4 --mixed_precision fp16 train_t2i_discrete.py --config=configs/mscoco_uvit_small.py --config.nnet.depth=16

Evaluation (Compute FID)

We use the huggingface accelerate library for efficient inference with mixed precision and multiple gpus. The following is the evaluation command:

# the evaluation setting
num_processes=2  # the number of gpus you have, e.g., 2
eval_script=eval.py  # the evaluation script, one of <eval.py|eval_ldm.py|eval_ldm_discrete.py|eval_t2i_discrete.py>
                     # eval.py: for models trained with train.py (i.e., pixel space models)
                     # eval_ldm.py: for models trained with train_ldm.py (i.e., latent space models with continuous timesteps)
                     # eval_ldm_discrete.py: for models trained with train_ldm_discrete.py (i.e., latent space models with discrete timesteps)
                     # eval_t2i_discrete.py: for models trained with train_t2i_discrete.py (i.e., text-to-image models on latent space)
config=configs/cifar10_uvit_small.py  # the training configuration

# launch evaluation
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes $num_processes --mixed_precision fp16 eval_script --config=$config

The generated images are stored in a temperary directory, and will be deleted after evaluation. If you want to keep these images, set --config.sample.path=/save/dir.

We provide all commands to reproduce FID results in the paper:

# CIFAR10 (U-ViT-S/2)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 4 --mixed_precision fp16 eval.py --config=configs/cifar10_uvit_small.py --nnet_path=cifar10_uvit_small.pth

# CelebA 64x64 (U-ViT-S/4)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 4 --mixed_precision fp16 eval.py --config=configs/celeba64_uvit_small.py --nnet_path=celeba64_uvit_small.pth

# ImageNet 64x64 (U-ViT-M/4)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 eval.py --config=configs/imagenet64_uvit_mid.py --nnet_path=imagenet64_uvit_mid.pth

# ImageNet 64x64 (U-ViT-L/4)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 eval.py --config=configs/imagenet64_uvit_large.py --nnet_path=imagenet64_uvit_large.pth

# ImageNet 256x256 (U-ViT-L/2)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 eval_ldm.py --config=configs/imagenet256_uvit_large.py --nnet_path=imagenet256_uvit_large.pth

# ImageNet 256x256 (U-ViT-H/2)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 eval_ldm_discrete.py --config=configs/imagenet256_uvit_huge.py --nnet_path=imagenet256_uvit_huge.pth

# ImageNet 512x512 (U-ViT-L/4)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 eval_ldm.py --config=configs/imagenet512_uvit_large.py --nnet_path=imagenet512_uvit_large.pth

# ImageNet 512x512 (U-ViT-H/4)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 eval_ldm_discrete.py --config=configs/imagenet512_uvit_huge.py --nnet_path=imagenet512_uvit_huge.pth

# MS-COCO (U-ViT-S/2)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 4 --mixed_precision fp16 eval_t2i_discrete.py --config=configs/mscoco_uvit_small.py --nnet_path=mscoco_uvit_small.pth

# MS-COCO (U-ViT-S/2, Deep)
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 4 --mixed_precision fp16 eval_t2i_discrete.py --config=configs/mscoco_uvit_small.py --config.nnet.depth=16 --nnet_path=mscoco_uvit_small_deep.pth


If you find the code useful for your research, please consider citing

  title={All are Worth Words: A ViT Backbone for Diffusion Models},
  author={Bao, Fan and Nie, Shen and Xue, Kaiwen and Cao, Yue and Li, Chongxuan and Su, Hang and Zhu, Jun},
  booktitle = {CVPR},

This implementation is based on