PokemonGoAnywhere for jailed devices, tap to walk around map in Pokemon Go.
Warning: Improper Use of this Tweak Will Get You Banned!
As reported on reddit, spoofing your GPS coordinates in game could get you banned.
System Requirements
- Xcode installed (Obviously you need a Mac, a free Apple Developer Account to create provisioning profiles)
- Any iPhone/iPod device (not compatible with iPad)
Main Components (included)
- CydiaSubstrate (32/64bit)
- optool
- PokemonGoAnywhere.dylib (thanks to William Cobb)
- Pokemon Go.ipa v1.0.2 (not included, version number stated as time of writing this guide)
- iOS App Signer or IMSign
Installation Instructions
Now available on PPSideloader as "Poke++", I reccommend you try before you try my guide.
Video guide by EverythingApplePro
STEP 1: Download PokemonGo.ipa first, it must be decrypted a.k.a. "cracked". You can find this on iphonecake
STEP 2: Unzip PokemonGoAnywhere-master (I recommend you place the unzipped folder onto the desktop)
STEP 3: Place your copy of PokemonGo.ipa into your previously unzipped folder.
Rename the .IPA to PokemonGO.ipa if you wish to follow the tutorial directly
STEP 4: Open up your terminal and type(you need an elevated account for the following steps):
cd path/to/your/unzipped/file-master
You should now be in the folders directory. Next, you must elevate optool and
chmod +x optool
STEP 5: Create your provisioning profile, and locate it in Finder
STEP 6: Type the following into the Terminal, where you should still be in the unzipped file location.
./ patch path/to/PokemonGo.ipa path/to/your/mobile/provisioning/profile
You can just drag your previously located provisioning profile from the Finder into the Terminal.
You should see the following:
[+] Unpacking the .ipa file (/Users/xxxx/Desktop/JailedPokemonGoanyWhere/PokemonGO.ipa)...
[+] Copying .dylib dependences into ".patchapp.cache/Payload/"
[+] Codesigning .dylib dependencies with certificate "iPhone Developer: (XXXXXXXXXX)"
[+] Patching ".patchapp.cache/Payload/" to load "PokemonGoAnywhere.dylib"
[+] Generating entitlements.xml for distribution ID
[+] Codesigning the patched .app bundle with certificate "iPhone Developer: (XXXXXXXXXX)"
-n replacing existing signature
[+] Repacking the .ipa
[+] Wrote "PokemonGO-patched.ipa"
[+] Great success!
STEP 6: You should have the "PokemonGO-patched.ipa" located in your unzipped file, sideload that .ipa with Xcode.
STEP 6.1: Only if you are facing the following issue while sideloading:
<img width="500" alt="error sideloading" src="">Resign the "PokemonGo-patched.ipa" again using iOS App Signer, if iOS App Signer fails, try IMSign.
Error relating to entitlements.xml seems to be an issue for those with Xcode 8 Beta, solution by /u/arnelmercado
All you have to do is go to your applications folder and rename "Xcode-beta" or whatever your Xcode application is named to just "Xcode"
Error relating to Xcode's "application-identifier entitlement" error
If resigning the final IPA with iOS App Signer failed for you, try again using IMSign and resign the "PokemonGo-patched.ipa" again.
Error relating to:
...PokemonGoAnywhere.dylib Codesign failed. Have you ran 'make' yet?"
Delete your developer certificates from and try again..
<img width="340" alt="error sideloading" src=""> <img width="340" alt="error sideloading" src="">
Me running PokemonGoAnywhere on iOS 9.3.2, iPhone 6S.