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LaTeX is a typesetting program for producing high quality technical documents. Formatting LaTeX documents is difficult and modifying pre-built templates often require extensive knowledge of the template. This repository contains simple LaTeX templates for common documents. Screenshots of each template are available on this webpage, which is automatically created from generate.py. See my other LaTeX projects at bamos/cv and bamos/beamer-snippets.


Writing Check

btford/write-good is a naive linter for English prose and works well on LaTeX documents. If write-good is installed, the Makefile's in this project will output a list of warnings and tips for improving writing after building the LaTeX documents.


Contributions are highly welcomed! If you want to add a similar template, please add to the latex-templates directory and I'm happy to merge pull requests. If you want to use the static webpage generation framework to present a different set of templates with other motivations, I'm happy to link to your project here.

Webpage Generation Process

The Python 3 script generate.py produces a static website in dist. generate.py loops through the collection of snippets and uses Jinja templates to output LaTeX documents.

This project uses Grunt to deploy dist to Github pages in the gh-pages branch with the grunt-build-control plugin. package.json manages the npm dependencies. Running npm install installs the dependencies.

Similar Projects

There are many approaches to sharing LaTeX templates online, and this project uniquely adds a static webpage generation process to generate previews of templates managed in Git. The following list shows a short sampling of projects, and I'm happy to merge pull requests of other projects.

Git Repositories

<!-- To generate the following list, install https://github.com/jacquev6/PyGithub and download the `github-repo-summary.py` script from https://github.com/bamos/python-scripts/blob/master/python3/github-repo-summary.py. Please add projects to the list in the comment and in the table below. github-repo-summary.py \ cmichi/latex-template-collection \ deedydas/Latex-Templates \ MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples \ RichardLitt/latex-templates \ stevegeek/latex-templates -->

Generated on 2015-10-03, see the Markdown source of this file for more details.

cmichi/latex-template-collection255A collection of different LaTeX templates (cv, invoices, timesheets, letters, etc.).
deedydas/Latex-Templates58A concise set of Latex templates that serves a small set of needs - CV, Essays, Articles and Problem Sets
MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples176Examples for the usage of LaTeX
RichardLitt/latex-templates1My Personal LaTeX Templates
stevegeek/latex-templates20A collection of my LaTeX templates: CV (resume), letter head and PhD Thesis



All modified referenced code has license of the original source. All other portions are under the MIT license.