

Ballerina Amazon SNS Connector

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Amazon SNS is a message notification service provided by Amazon.com Inc., enabling users to publish messages to topics, which are then delivered to subscribing endpoints or clients.


The ballerinax/aws.sns package offers APIs to connect and interact with AWS SNS API endpoints.

Setup guide

Step 1: Create an AWS account

Step 2: Get the access key ID and the secret access key

Once you log in to your AWS account, you need to create a user group and a user with the necessary permissions to access SNS. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Create an AWS user group
  1. Create an IAM user
  1. Generate access key ID and secret access key


To use the aws.sns connector in your Ballerina project, modify the .bal file as follows:

Step 1: Import the connector

Import the ballerinax/aws.sns package into your Ballerina project.

import ballerinax/aws.sns;

Step 2: Instantiate a new connector

Instantiate a new sns client using the access key ID, secret access key, and region.

sns:Client sns = check new({
    credentials: {

Step 3: Invoke the connector operation

Now, utilize the available connector operations.

string topicArn = check sns->createTopic("FirstTopic");

Step 4: Run the Ballerina application

Use the following command to compile and run the Ballerina program.

bal run


The sns connector provides practical examples illustrating usage in various scenarios. Explore these examples.

  1. Football scores This example shows how to use SNS to implement an application to subscribe to receive football game scores.

  2. Weather alert service This example shows how to use SNS to send weather alerts for multiple cities. Users can subscribe to different cities to receive alerts for their city only.

Issues and projects

The Issues and Projects tabs are disabled for this repository as this is part of the Ballerina library. To report bugs, request new features, start new discussions, view project boards, etc., visit the Ballerina library parent repository.

This repository only contains the source code for the package.

Building from the source


  1. Download and install Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 17. You can download it from either of the following sources:

    Note: After installation, remember to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where JDK was installed.

  2. Download and install Ballerina Swan Lake.

  3. Download and install Docker.

    Note: Ensure that the Docker daemon is running before executing any tests.

  4. Generate a Github access token with read package permissions, then set the following env variables:

    export packageUser=<Your GitHub Username>
    export packagePAT=<GitHub Personal Access Token>

Build options

Execute the commands below to build from the source.

  1. To build the package:

    ./gradlew clean build
  2. To run the tests:

    ./gradlew clean test
  3. To build the without the tests:

    ./gradlew clean build -x test
  4. To debug package with a remote debugger:

    ./gradlew clean build -Pdebug=<port>
  5. To debug with Ballerina language:

    ./gradlew clean build -PbalJavaDebug=<port>
  6. Publish the generated artifacts to the local Ballerina central repository:

    ./gradlew clean build -PpublishToLocalCentral=true
  7. Publish the generated artifacts to the Ballerina central repository:

    ./gradlew clean build -PpublishToCentral=true

Contributing to Ballerina

As an open source project, Ballerina welcomes contributions from the community.

For more information, go to the contribution guidelines.

Code of conduct

All contributors are encouraged to read the Ballerina Code of Conduct.

Useful links