

Image Cleanup module for Magento 2


When adding products in your webshop, eventually you'll also have to delete some of those products. But sometimes Magento doesn't remove images associated with the products that you delete.
So you'll have to manually delete them from time to time from disk, which is hard to do manually. This module gives you some options to delete those lingering unused images from the disk so you can recover some diskspace on your server.

Implemented Features

Watch out



You can use composer to install this module:

composer require baldwin/magento2-module-image-cleanup

Or download the code and put all the files in the directory app/code/Baldwin/ImageCleanup

After which you can then activate it in Magento using:

bin/magento setup:upgrade


There are 4 command line commands you can use execute:

There are some extra options for some of these commands:

      --no-stats        Skip calculating and outputting stats (filesizes, number of files, ...), this can speed up the command in case it runs slowly.
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question

The -n option can be used if you want to setup a cronjob to regularly call these cleanup commands, it will not ask for confirmation before removing files, and will just assume you said 'yes, go ahead' (which can be dangerous!)

The module will output all the things it deleted in a log file {magento-project}/var/log/baldwin-imagecleanup.log so you can inspect it later in case you want to figure out why something got removed.

For optimal & fastest cleanup, it's advised to run the commands in this order:

  1. bin/magento catalog:images:remove-obsolete-db-entries
  2. bin/magento catalog:images:remove-unused-hash-directories
  3. bin/magento catalog:images:remove-unused-files
  4. bin/magento catalog:images:remove-corrupt-resized-files

If you don't run these in this order, it might mean you'll need to run some of them a second time for them to find more things to cleanup or it might mean that they'll take longer then needed.


There is a configuration section in the backoffice under: Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Product Image Cleanup Settings

Documentation about resized/cached directories

Magento saves resized product images in certain directories in pub/media/catalog/product/cache The directory names are basically an md5 hash of a bunch of parameters like: width, height, background-color, quality, rotation, ... (which tend to be defined in the etc/view.xml file of themes) Sometimes, Magento tweaks how the hash gets calculated in certain newer versions of Magento, or your theme changes some parameter which both can make those hashes no longer being used.

This module has the option to detect such directories and can remove them together with all the files in there.

Note to self

In our class Baldwin\ImageCleanup\Finder\UnusedCacheHashDirectoriesFinder, we borrowed some code from core Magento that was private and not easily callable. We made only very slight changes to deal with coding standards and static analysis, but it's mostly the same as the original source. These pieces of code were based on code that didn't really change since Magento 2.3.4.

It's important that we check with every single new Magento version that gets released, that the code in Magento\MediaStorage\Service\ImageResize doesn't change in such a way that we need to adapt our own implementation.

So this is something that needs to be double checked with every new Magento release.