


A secure, anonymous, minimalist PWA checklists application.

Video description of the project: https://tilvids.com/videos/watch/d0760bff-6e2a-4435-b056-766d03c85fe3

Feature Roadmap

  1. Squash bugs
  2. Undo delete of documents
  3. Alphabetical sort for checklists
  4. Markdown support for notes
  5. Dark mode
  6. True list view
  7. Enhance PWA 'add to homescreen' functionality
  8. Ability to 'pin' notes/checklists to the top
  9. Import/export of data
  10. Update to Vue 3 / Quasar 2
  11. Encrypt individual notes/checklists
  12. Support for image attachments
  13. Labels
  14. Archiving
  15. Internationalization

Support If You're a Fan

If you like this project, please consider supporting it. I do not monetize the app and have to pay hosting costs.

Tech Stack Employed (and shout-outs)


Install the dependencies

npm install

Install Quasar CLI

npm -g @quasar/cli

Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

quasar dev

Lint the files

npm run lint

Build the app for production

quasar build -m pwa

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.conf.js.

Running the App on Docker

Docker instructions are available to run the app using docker-compose.

Running your own database instance

Instructions here for installing and configuring your own CouchDB instance.