

Multi-View Depth Estimation by Fusing Single-View Depth Probability with Multi-View Geometry

Official implementation of the paper

Multi-View Depth Estimation by Fusing Single-View Depth Probability with Multi-View Geometry

CVPR 2022 [oral]

Gwangbin Bae, Ignas Budvytis, and Roberto Cipolla

[arXiv] [openaccess] [oral presentation]

<p align="center"> <img width=100% src="https://github.com/baegwangbin/MaGNet/blob/master/figs/method.png?raw=true?raw=true"> </p>

We present MaGNet (Monocular and Geometric Network), a novel framework for fusing single-view depth probability with multi-view geometry, to improve the accuracy, robustness and efficiency of multi-view depth estimation. For each frame, MaGNet estimates a single-view depth probability distribution, parameterized as a pixel-wise Gaussian. The distribution estimated for the reference frame is then used to sample per-pixel depth candidates. Such probabilistic sampling enables the network to achieve higher accuracy while evaluating fewer depth candidates. We also propose depth consistency weighting for the multi-view matching score, to ensure that the multi-view depth is consistent with the single-view predictions. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on ScanNet, 7-Scenes and KITTI. Qualitative evaluation demonstrates that our method is more robust against challenging artifacts such as texture-less/reflective surfaces and moving objects.


We evaluated MaGNet on ScanNet, 7-Scenes and KITTI


/path/to/ScanNet/scans/scene0000_00 ...
/path/to/ScanNet/scans_test/scene0707_00 ...


/path/to/SevenScenes/chess ...


/path/to/KITTI/rawdata/2011_09_26 ...
/path/to/KITTI/train/2011_09_26_drive_0001_sync ...
/path/to/KITTI/val/2011_09_26_drive_0002_sync ...

Download model weights

Download model weights by

python ckpts/download.py

If some files are not downloaded properly, download them manually from this link and place the files under ./ckpts.

Install dependencies

We recommend using a virtual environment.

python3.6 -m venv --system-site-packages ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

Install the necessary dependencies by

python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Test scripts

If you wish to evaluate the accuracy of our D-Net (single-view), run

python test_DNet.py ./test_scripts/dnet/scannet.txt
python test_DNet.py ./test_scripts/dnet/7scenes.txt
python test_DNet.py ./test_scripts/dnet/kitti_eigen.txt
python test_DNet.py ./test_scripts/dnet/kitti_official.txt

You should get the following results:

KITTI (eigen)0.06051.13310.20862.42150.09210.00750.02618.43120.96020.99460.99892.6443
KITTI (official)0.06291.16820.25412.47080.10210.00800.02709.57520.95810.99050.99711.7810

In order to evaluate the accuracy of the full pipeline (multi-view), run

python test_MaGNet.py ./test_scripts/magnet/scannet.txt
python test_MaGNet.py ./test_scripts/magnet/7scenes.txt
python test_MaGNet.py ./test_scripts/magnet/kitti_eigen.txt
python test_MaGNet.py ./test_scripts/magnet/kitti_official.txt

You should get the following results:

KITTI (eigen)0.05350.99950.16232.15840.08260.05660.02357.46450.97140.99580.99901.8053
KITTI (official)0.05030.91350.16671.97070.08480.24230.02197.94510.97690.99410.99791.4750

Training scripts

If you wish to train the models, run

python train_DNet.py ./test_scripts/dnet/{scannet, kitti_eigen, kitti_official}.txt
python train_FNet.py ./test_scripts/dnet/{scannet, kitti_eigen, kitti_official}.txt
python train_MaGNet.py ./test_scripts/dnet/{scannet, kitti_eigen, kitti_official}.txt

Note that the dataset_path argument in the script .txt files should be modified


If you find our work useful in your research please consider citing our paper:

  title = {Multi-View Depth Estimation by Fusing Single-View Depth Probability with Multi-View Geometry}
  author = {Gwangbin Bae and Ignas Budvytis and Roberto Cipolla},
  booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year = {2022}                         