


This is my complete EFI folder to be used for hackintosh on Asus A43SJ notebook with multibooting:

<img src="/img/macOS-Catalina.jpg?raw=true" alt="macOS Catalina" align="center">

Notebook Specs

<img src="/img/Asus-A43SJ-VX400D.png?raw=true" alt="Asus A43SJ" align="right">

EFI Contains

What Worked

Not Worked / Bugs


  1. macOS versions used are <b>Retail from Mac App Store</b>, using <b>createinstallmedia</b> for USB Installer
  2. Platform Datas (SN, ROM, UUID) used here are <b>ALL FAKE</b>. So, you need to regenerate them.
  3. Don't use Patched DSDT-SSDT if you have different <b>BIOS version</b> (need to configure config.plist - ACPI section)
  4. To boot with <b>Clover UEFI</b>, you need to configure BIOS (Press <b>Esc</b> when mach power on > Select <b>Setup</b>):
  1. To get GT 520M working under macOS 10.14.x, use /Extras/CoreDisplay binary and place to: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreDisplay.framework/Versions/A
  2. Install /Extras/AirPortAtheros40.kext to SLE using Kext Utility for a working AR9285 Wifi under 10.14.
  3. Install /Extras/AppleIntelSNB~.kext to SLE using Kext Utility for a working Intel MEI under 10.14.
  4. To fix Display Color Banding issue under 10.11.x upto 10.14.x, just place /Extras/DisplayVendorID-da9 to: /System/Library/Displays/Contents/Resources/Overrides

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