


<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/backdround/improved-ft.nvim/actions"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/backdround/improved-ft.nvim/tests.yaml?branch=main&label=Tests&style=flat-square" alt="Tests"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/backdround/improved-ft.nvim/actions"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/backdround/improved-ft.nvim/docs.yaml?branch=main&label=Doc%20generation&status=gen&style=flat-square" alt="Tests"> </a> </p>

It's a feature-rich, but straight-forward Neovim plugin that improves default f/t hop abilities.

Additional features:

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<img src="https://github.com/backdround/improved-ft.nvim/assets/17349169/5619ae36-217d-432b-8af9-6d27502f0965" width="600px" />

Past a character

<img src="https://github.com/backdround/improved-ft.nvim/assets/17349169/cc761597-745d-421f-844c-1d028258a067" width="600px" />

In insert mode

<img src="https://github.com/backdround/improved-ft.nvim/assets/17349169/9eca335a-335b-40d7-a0ca-d012b9357aa8" width="600px" />
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Basic configuration

local ft = require("improved-ft")
  -- Maps default f/F/t/T/;/, keys.
  -- default: false
  use_default_mappings = true,

  -- Ignores case of the given characters.
  -- default: false
  ignore_char_case = true,

  -- Takes a last hop direction into account during repetition hops
  -- default: false
  use_relative_repetition = true,

  -- Uses direction-relative offsets during repetition hops.
  -- default: false
  use_relative_repetition_offsets = true,

Advanced configuration

<details><summary>Basic mappings</summary>
local map = function(key, fn, description)
  vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x", "o" }, key, fn, {
    desc = description,
    expr = true,

map("f", ft.hop_forward_to_char, "Hop forward to a given char")
map("F", ft.hop_backward_to_char, "Hop backward to a given char")

map("t", ft.hop_forward_to_pre_char, "Hop forward before a given char")
map("T", ft.hop_backward_to_pre_char, "Hop backward before a given char")

map(";", ft.repeat_forward, "Repeat hop forward to a last given char")
map(",", ft.repeat_backward, "Repeat hop backward to a last given char")
</details> <details><summary>Post character mappings</summary>
local map = function(key, fn, description)
  vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x", "o" }, key, fn, {
    desc = description,
    expr = true,

map("s", ft.hop_forward_to_post_char, "Hop forward after a given char")
map("S", ft.hop_backward_to_post_char, "Hop backward after a given char")

</details> <details><summary>Insert mode mappings</summary>
local imap = function(key, fn, description)
  vim.keymap.set("i", key, fn, {
    desc = description,
    expr = true,

imap("<M-f>", ft.hop_forward_to_char, "Hop forward to a given char")
imap("<M-F>", ft.hop_backward_to_char, "Hop forward to a given char")

imap("<M-t>", ft.hop_forward_to_pre_char, "Hop forward before a given char")
imap("<M-T>", ft.hop_backward_to_pre_char, "Hop forward before a given char")

imap("<M-;>", ft.repeat_forward, "Repeat hop forward to a last given char")
imap("<M-,>", ft.repeat_backward, "Repeat hop backward to a last given char")