

BabyLM Data Preprocessing

This repo contains instructions for reproducing the preprocessing pipeline for the BabyLM challenge.

NOTE: It is not necessary to reproduce these steps to use the BabyLM data. The complete preprocessed dataset can be downloaded directly on the BabyLM website!!

Initialize stuff

Start out in the data_preprocessing directory which contains this README.md.

conda create --name babylm_preprocessing
conda activate babylm_preprocessing
mkdir ${PROJECT_DIR}/tmp
mkdir ${PROJECT_DIR}/preprocessed_data

Direct downloads of preprocessed data

Some data is already downloadable in a nice preprocessed form. Let's download those first.

These first three sources were preprocessed by others:


cd ${PROJECT_DIR}/preprocessed_data
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phueb/BabyBERTa/master/data/corpora/aochildes.txt > aochildes.txt


cd ${PROJECT_DIR}/preprocessed_data
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NathanDuran/Switchboard-Corpus/master/swda_data/full_set.txt > switchboard.txt

Children's Book Test

cd ${PROJECT_DIR}/tmp
curl http://www.thespermwhale.com/jaseweston/babi/CBTest.tgz > CBTest.tgz
tar -xvzf CBTest.tgz
mv CBTest/data/cbt_* ${PROJECT_DIR}/preprocessed_data/

The next one is available in preprocessed form, but for some reason the original download links don't work with curl. So I've uploaded these files to google drive, where they can be downloaded easily from command line:

Children stories

The original link which doesn't work with curl: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/edenbd/children-stories-text-corpus/download?datasetVersionNumber=1

cd ${PROJECT_DIR}/preprocessed_data
gdown 1nbUCWCAvtqI1-WQxzmyqQmddgsZtzdpR
unzip children_stories.txt.zip
rm children_stories.txt.zip

The next two files were preprocessed by Haau-Sing Li for a previous project and shared directly with Alex Warstadt. We do not have easy access to the preprocessing pipeline, so we share the preprocessed files directly on google drive:


Preprocessing for OpenSubtitles included removing duplicate or near-duplicate documents.

cd ${PROJECT_DIR}/tmp
gdown 1vW0o7K6Gj_IYTzriWEjmCnrylCWb8DbY
unzip open_subtitles.txt.zip
mv open_subtitles.txt ../preprocessed_data


cd ${PROJECT_DIR}/preprocessed_data
gdown 19GipY95MW3LrfO_kArmIC0KYy7mfCb1l
unzip wikipedia.txt.zip
rm wikipedia.txt.zip

Datasets that require substantial preprocessing


The original link which doesn't work with curl: https://opus.nlpl.eu/download.php?f=QED/v2.0a/xml/en.zip

cd ${PROJECT_DIR}/tmp
gdown 1R2xWtNeVX48RiFA7vErL1pNtws3XEsYP
unzip qed.zip
python preprocess_qed.py tmp/en tmp/qed
cat tmp/qed/* >> preprocessed_data/qed.txt

Simple Wiki

cd ${PROJECT_DIR}/tmp
curl https://dumps.wikimedia.org/simplewiki/20221201/simplewiki-20221201-pages-articles.xml.bz2 > wiki.bz2
bzip2 -d wiki.bz2
python -m wikiextractor.WikiExtractor wiki
python preprocess_simple_wiki.py

Spoken BNC

Initialize stuff & downlaod data

mkdir $BNC_TMP
curl https://llds.ling-phil.ox.ac.uk/llds/xmlui/bitstream/handle/20.500.14106/2554/2554.zip > bnc.zip
unzip -q bnc.zip
rm bnc.zip

Now it's time to select only .xml files that came from the spoken domain

for z in download/Texts/*; 
do for y in $z/*; 
do for x in $y/*; 
do sed '2q;d' $x | grep "^<stext" -q && cp $x ${BNC_TMP}; 
rm -rf download

Finally, run this nice python script to extract the text from the .xml files

python preprocess_bnc.py tmp/bnc_spoken/ bnc_spoken.txt
rm -rf tmp/bnc_spoken


Here we just follow the README in the gutenberg repo. Any issues should be directed to the authors of gutenberg

git clone https://github.com/pgcorpus/gutenberg.git
cd gutenberg

#To install any missing dependencies, just run
pip install -r requirements.txt

## Getting & processing the data
python get_data.py
#This will download a copy of all UTF-8 books in PG and will create a csv file with metadata (e.g. author, title, year, ...).
#Notice that if you already have some of the data, the program will only download those you are missing (we use `rsync` for this). It is hence easy to update the dataset periodically to keep it up-to-date by just running `get_data.py`.

python process_data.py

Now we grab the English portion and put it all together in one file

python get_gutenberg_modern_en.py
cat tmp/gutenberg_modern_en/* >> preprocessed_data/gutenberg.txt

Sampling and splitting data

. sample_chunks_and_split.sh
. sample_chunks_and_split_small.sh